Dallin Swenson
Professional experience for Dallin Swenson
- Current 15 years and 6 months, since Sep 2009
Account Executive
SOFT, Inc.
With 28 years in business, SOFT, Inc. is an I.T. consulting services firm operated as a cost effective alternative to costly software vendor professional services. My Practice is designed around higher levels of talent, shorter turnaround time installations and development, and most importantly, real reductions in capital expenditure and overhead for enterprise level orgnizations and their budgets.
- 7 months, Feb 2009 - Aug 2009
Senior Account Manager
CCP Solutions LLC.
Providers of Cost Effective Document Solutions including Lease Forgiveness Programs with All Inclusive Service Packages, at a guarenteed 20%-50%+ reduction in overhead and operation associated with your Document Printing.
Account Manager
Barclay Brand Ferdon
Yale Materials Handling Corporation. Yale is a leading provider of a full line of high-quality, high-performance Lift Trucks (Forklifts), including electric, gas, LP-gas and diesel powered lift trucks; narrow aisle, very narrow aisle and motorized hand trucks. Yale offers comprehensive Fleet Management services, as well as Yale service, parts, financing and training.
Educational background for Dallin Swenson
- 4 years and 5 months, Aug 2002 - Dec 2006
Marketing / Sociology
James Madison University
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