Dan Vasile
Professional experience for Dan Vasile
- Current 5 years, since Mar 2020
Associate Partner
Fisch & Friends International
- Current 13 years and 10 months, since May 2011
Fluid Transition Coaching | Playful Events | Theatre Directing
I facilitate spectacular transformations for both people and organisations due to a wealth of experience from more than two decades of working in Theatre/TV/Advertising/Training and Coaching industries. Designing and implementing Public Presence, Presentation Skills and Leadership training sessions mixing theatrical and coaching tools. Delivering more than 1000 life, career & personal branding coaching sessions. Creating effective, memorable team buildings & business events.
Educational background for Dan Vasile
- 4 years and 10 months, Oct 1996 - Jul 2001
Theater, Dramaturgie, Regie
Nationaluniversität der Theater- und Filmkunst „Ion Luca Caragiale“
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