Daniel Ley
Partner / Gesellschafter, Co-Founder, kickstartDS - Open Source Starterkit für Design Systeme
Bonn, Germany
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About me
👉 https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-ley-171729a1/ Mit ruhmesmeile entwickeln wir kickstartDS, das Open Source Starterkit für digitale Design Systeme. Mit unserem Low-Code Framework und der leicht anpassbaren Content-Komponenten-Bibliothek erstellen Digital-Teams konsistente und markenkonforme Frontends schnell und effizient. Und grundsätzlich: Ich liebe es, ganzheitliche Erlebnisse zu gestalten, die weit vor der Nutzung eines digitalen Produkts beginnen. Agil und interdisziplinär. Nur so wird Co-Creation zu einem echten Teamsport. In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich diverse führende Rollen in der Gestaltung, Beratung und Entwicklung erfolgreicher digitaler Erlebnisse übernommen, die einen messbaren Impact auf die Nutzer und das Business haben.
Professional experience for Daniel Ley
Current 3 years and 1 month, since Sep 2021
kickstartDS - Open Source Starterkit für Design Systeme
kickstartDS ist das Open Source Starterkit für digitale Design Systeme. Mit unserem Low-Code Framework und der leicht anpassbaren Content-Komponenten-Bibliothek erstellen Digital-Teams konsistente und markenkonforme Frontends schnell und effizient.
With Ruhmesmeile we are developing the frontend first framework, a comprehensive component library helping frontend development teams create consistent and brand compliant design systems and web frontends super efficiently. With that, building a design system for all your digital products will be made easy like squeeeeeezing a lemon.
2 years and 4 months, Jan 2019 - Apr 2021
UX Strategy Manager
Amadeus IT Group
UX coach for intrapreneurs in the global innovation BU. I helped business ideas come to life, by leading product discoveries for internal ventures. To validate ideas, I trained POs into user interviewing & testing, surveys, journey mappings etc. or in short: ramping up UX strategies to make the process a collaborative team effort. I introduced the principles of Atomic User Research. Acting as internal "champion" for the Design Factory - the global Amadeus design system.
3 years, Jan 2016 - Dec 2018
Head of Dept. User Experience & Design
Traveltainment GmbH - An Amadeus Company
Led a department of seven designers across different sites in Germany. We started Lean UX implementation in the leisure BU of Amadeus. I was coaching product teams into user centered design methodologies, conducting ideation and design thinking workshops, working hands-on with agile teams, making them meet real users - often for the first time. I evangelized the data driven product validation mindset. I was supporting the global UI community of Amadeus to setup a digital design system language.
3 years, Jan 2013 - Dec 2015
UI/UX Team Lead
pixell online marketing GmbH
Led a team of five designers with a mixed UI/UX scope. The team was responsible for the design of products for tour operators, travel agents and online travel agencies. In addition I was acting as Product Manager for „Bistro Portal Live Consultancy“ - which helped travel agents to combine online and offline retail. Further the management board assigned me as leader of a steering committee for the organizational development program of Traveltainment.
9 years, Jan 2004 - Dec 2012
Art Director
pixell online marketing GmbH
Developed the design team from a one-man-show to a four-people team. During this period I was a shareholder of pixell GmbH, before we got acquired by Amadeus through Traveltainment in 2010. We were pioneers in designing mobile Apps for TUI, Kuoni, Thomas Cook, Weg.de and many more. The design team specifically helped create award-winning products like Amadeus Dynamic Campaigns and the Expedia Leisure App.
1 year and 11 months, Feb 2002 - Dec 2003
pixell online marketing GmbH
4 months, Oct 2001 - Jan 2002
pixell online marketing GmbH
2 years and 2 months, Aug 1999 - Sep 2001
Kabel New Media
7 months, Jan 1999 - Jul 1999
Digital Media Designer
Educational background for Daniel Ley
First language