Davide Orifici
Professional experience for Davide Orifici
- Current 4 years and 6 months, since Sep 2020
Director Public & Regulatory Affairs and Communications
- Driving a team of 10 people: 6 public affairs - 4 external and internal communication, Spokesperson - Defence & representation of EPEX SPOT's interests for the safeguard of market rules and the implementation of EU regulations, as well as in Norway, UK and Switzerland - Relationship management with European Union (Commission, Council), ACER, Ministries of Energy, national regulatory authorities for power markets, traders’ associations: revision CACM guideline and reform European electricity market design
- Current 10 years and 11 months, since Apr 2014
Head of Swiss Office
- Represent EPEX at government, regulatory and other public authorities level, as well as with relevant associations and stakeholders in Switzerland - Monitor and evaluate Swiss energy policy and Swiss-EU relations and their impact on markets - Establish and foster relationship with current and new Swiss market participants - Cooperate with project teams and report on Swiss characteristics regarding EPEX SPOT’s strategy, business development and product design
- 3 years and 11 months, May 2010 - Mar 2014
Senior Manager Public Affairs & Community Relations
Swissgrid AG / Ltd
- High Voltage Grid Extension Projects in Switzerland - Community Relations in Valais and Lake Neuchâtel Area - Lobbying and Public Affairs in Bern: Federal Parliament, Public Administration, Political Parties, etc. - Public Relations with other Stakeholders from Economy, Environmental Associations and Public Pressure Groups against grid extension with overhead lines (request for cabling of high voltage lines)
- 2 years and 1 month, Apr 2008 - Apr 2010
Independent Consultant
International Gov't Relations / PR & Communications / Non-Profit Management
› Consultancy Office Promotion Industries and Technologies | Cleantech & Masdar City (UAE) › Consultancy Tamoil (Suisse) SA | Public Affairs & Relations | Corporate Communication › Consultancy Ras Al Khaimah (UAE) | Economic Promotion, Business Development, EU HQs › Consultancy for Geneva Forum | Evaluation of Activities 2007 & 2008 › Electoral Observation Missions to Azerbaijan (2008), Macedonia (2009) and Kosovo (2009)
- 6 years and 3 months, Jan 2002 - Mar 2008
Head, Policy and External Relations
Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining
› Supportive Advisor to Director on strategic, policy, political, administrative issues and personnel management | Supervising the team of the Director’s office › Successfully managed multi-year projects as leader with large teams on publications, exhibitions and communication materials | up to 1 million CHF | USD › Effective public relations networking, advocacy and lobbying with international organisations, civil society and countries on humanitarian, development and peace issues
- 3 years and 8 months, May 1998 - Dec 2001
Diplomat, Second Secretary
Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
› Systematic organisation and chairing of international workshops on regional security and small arms and light weapons | Macedonia and Azerbaijan › Proactive negotiation and reporting on Kosovo, Macedonia and Middle East crisis › Fast drafting of briefings, speaking notes and back-ground papers › Successfully took over temporary responsibility as Chargé d’affaires a.i. › Drafted and published two articles for academic reviews on Cooperative Security in the Western Mediterranean
- 2 years and 1 month, Sep 1995 - Sep 1997
Personal Assistant to Deputy Director, Graduate Institute International Studies
Programme for the Study of International Organisations
› Diligent execution of the SIRUS programme on Multilateral Diplomacy for Junior Diplomats from Caucasus and Central Asian Republics | responsible for budget and excursions › Timely management of drafting and editing of PSIO Occasional Papers › Profitable suggestion for a new area of activity | international seminars for diplomats on world trade issues and international humanitarian law
- 2 years, Sep 1993 - Aug 1995
Research Assistant, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Programme for Strategic & International Security Studies
› Effectively managed and organised conferences and lecture series › Researched on Commonwealth of Independent States and OSCE Mission in Moldova › First exposure to NGOs, diplomats and representatives of international organisations
Educational background for Davide Orifici
- 2 years and 3 months, Sep 2005 - Nov 2007
International Executive MBA
Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) - University of Geneva
- 3 years and 8 months, Sep 1994 - Apr 1998
International Relations
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Peace, Security, Development
- 1 year and 11 months, Oct 1992 - Aug 1994
Political Science, Development
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
- 5 years and 1 month, Oct 1986 - Oct 1991
Political Science
Università Pavia, Italia
First language
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