Professional experience for Delphine .PIETSCHMANN
- Current 8 years and 10 months, since May 2016
DP Developing People
Founder of DP Developing People. European Master in Labour Law and Human Resources. HR manager and certified mediator, trained as business coach (Trigon) 12 years in Human Resources of a multinational Company (www.ses.com), my key competencies reach from Compensation & Benefits to Learning & Development, through HR business partnership, career and performance management, recruitment and talent management. Trilingual, I do offer my services in French, English and German.
- 6 years and 11 months, Jun 2009 - Apr 2016
HR Manager
HR Manager – Business Partner Finance Department of SES. First person of contact for the Group CFO and all Finance employees based in Europe (around 100 employees). Performance management, recruitment, management of careers, conflicts, departures, coordination with the personnel delegates and works councils. Talent Management Lead for the Group. Coordination of the SES High Potential Programme, mentoring Programme, recruitment and SES Associates (graduate programme)
- 1 year and 2 months, May 2008 - Jun 2009
Compensation & Benefits Team Leader
Day to day management of the payroll and administration team as well as Compensation & Benefits organisation (see above). HRIS responsibilities.
- 4 years and 5 months, Jan 2004 - May 2008
Compensation & Benefits Analyst
Payroll administration (1.5 years) Then: Compensation & Benefits organisation (Pension plans in various european countries, Stock Option plans accross the group, executive comp, benchmarks)
- 7 months, Nov 2002 - May 2003
Stagiaire Ressources Humaines
Educational background for Delphine .PIETSCHMANN
Maitrise de droit privé et DESS Master en Sciences du travail Européens et RH
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