Dhushanthini Archunan
Professional experience for Dhushanthini Archunan
- 1 year and 6 months, Sep 2022 - Feb 2024
Software Engineer
Worked on the development of Pearson T-Levels Qualification Learner Management Microservices-based Project. Contributed to the Analysis, design, implementation, and testing of the project. Successfully completed AWS lambda unit testing POC using Junit and Mockito. Addressed code vulnerabilities using Snyk and Checkmarx. Involved in code analysis using Sonarlint and SonarQube by fixing issues to maintain clean code. Worked closely with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software.
- 1 year and 7 months, Mar 2021 - Sep 2022
Software Engineer
Designed and developed a project which transformed legacy applications into cloud-hosted Microservices using Spring Boot and Java. As a Scrum Master in an Agile environment, facilitated daily stand-ups and collaborated with teams. Orchestrated CI/CD pipelines using Azure, implementing rigorous unit testing with Junit and Mockito. Proficient in database scripting for migrations and maintenance, and adeptly created dashboards using Power BI.
- 1 year and 1 month, Aug 2019 - Aug 2020
Software Engineer Intern
During my one-year internship, I had the opportunity to work on two major projects: a Company Management System and a Hotel Management Application. Developed and maintained various modules using Angular for the front-end. In these projects, I primarily focused on development of the Company Management System which is developed from scratch. Collaborated with team to design user-friendly interfaces and improve system performance.
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