Dimitri Alexeev
Angestellt, Leiter Software Development, CRX Markets AG
München, Germany
Professional experience for Dimitri Alexeev
We are an innovator in the field of Supply Chain Finance / Approved Payable Finance offering an independent and technologically sophisticated platform for financing of trade receivables.
- 10 years and 2 months, May 2003 - Jun 2013
Senior Enterprise Systems Architect
Freelancer / Freiberufler / Selbständig / Selbstständig
s. gulp-Profil für ständig aktualisierte Projektliste.
- 2 years and 5 months, Jan 2001 - May 2003
Advance Bank / Dresdner Bank
Educational background for Dimitri Alexeev
- 3 years and 7 months, Oct 2000 - Apr 2004
TU München
Software Engineering
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