Dmitrii Korotovskii
Professional experience for Dmitrii Korotovskii
- 2 years and 11 months, Oct 2013 - Aug 2016
Senior Software Engineer
Edster LLC
Achievements: - Developing web application with SOA. - REST API implementation. - SingleSignOn implementation. - Deployment system. - Configuration management using Ansible - Continuous Integration system with Jenkins. - Continuous Delivery system with Jenkins. - Defining user stories, estimating and assigning them. - Actual implementation of complex stories.
- 5 months, Feb 2013 - Jun 2013
Software Engineer
While working as a back-end engineer for fotostrana.ru I mainly implemented the unit, functional and acceptance testing by working closely with a QA team. Series of seminars were held for team of developers. The seminars explained: - Why writing test is important for both: developers and the company - How to write good tests: safe time of the developers, money for the company and improve product quality. Achievements: - Highloaded PHP application - MySQL - NoSQL solutions - Jenkins
- 1 year, Mar 2012 - Feb 2013
Software Engineer
The experience on Scrum: * worked in the team of 14 people * two week sprints That was a great experience in the integration of solutions together with front-end developers as well as considerable experience in pair programming jointly with back-end developer. Achievements: - MongoDB - Redis - Elasticsearch - Jenkins
- 1 year, Mar 2011 - Feb 2012
Software Engineer
When I worked in Mobtop Group, I used the development language - perl. Due to my contribution, just in one year the development in Mobtop Group has moved to a new level. MVC kernel was developed in Perl for the project, written in spaghetti code style. Achievements: - Highloaded Perl application - MySQL with many shards - Memcached with concurrent requests - RabbitMQ
Educational background for Dmitrii Korotovskii
- 2010 - 2016
The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
First language
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