Dmitriy Vasechko
Professional experience for Dmitriy Vasechko
- Current 5 years and 5 months, since Oct 2019
Web Developer and Designer
Proexpo OHG
Web Development, MesseStand and Print Design.
- Current 13 years and 6 months, since Sep 2011
Web Developer
Frontend web developer & Designer. CMS Drupal 6/7, Amiro CMS, Joomla CMS Photoshop, PSD to Template, Website upgrades.
- 5 years, Oct 2009 - Sep 2014
IT Manager/Web Developer
RTW Skin & Laser Clinic
1)Installation of PCs, peripheral devices, software applications etc. 2)Hardware & software support including PC hardware troubleshooting and problem solving. 3)Communication network support (Local Network based on Win 2008 Server). 4)Maintenance and update of the existing website as well designing and building small web applications using PHP+MySQL for it when they are required. Building new websites based on Drupal CMS. 5)Production of Photo and video materials for web and prints.
- 1 year and 8 months, Feb 2012 - Sep 2013
Web Developer
Siberian Center of Pharmacology and Biotechnology
Maintenance and update of the existing websites based on Joomla CMS as well designing and building new websites based on Drupal CMS. Production of Photo and video materials for web and prints. Work with graphic design of product package and product leaflets.
- 3 years and 6 months, Jan 2005 - Jun 2008
IT Manager / Web Developer
Ltd.”Drev Master”
1)Installation of PCs, printers, scanners, networks, broadband routers, software applications etc. 2)Hardware & software support including PC hardware troubleshooting and problem solving. 3)Communications network support. 4)Maintenance of the existing website. 5)Developing small applications using Borland Delphi (Pascal).
- 2 years and 9 months, Apr 2002 - Dec 2004
IT Manager
Ltd.”Issledovatelskii Centr 1”
1)Installation of PCs, printers, scanners, networks, broadband routers, software applications etc. 2)Hardware & software support including PC hardware troubleshooting and problem solving. 3)Communications network support. 4)Work with graphic material including creation of business cards and advertising leaflets. 5)Developing small applications using Borland Delphi (Pascal).
Educational background for Dmitriy Vasechko
- 3 years and 8 months, Sep 2014 - Apr 2018
Web Science
Cologne University of Applied Sciences
- 11 months, Sep 2008 - Jul 2009
INTO University of East Anglia
- 6 years and 11 months, Sep 2001 - Jul 2008
Complex information security of automated systems
Novosibirsk State Technical University
Security of Operating Systems, Computational mathematics, Software & Hardware security protection, Networks and telecommunications, Intrusion detection systems, Network Security, Cryptographic methods, Organizational support of Information security, Physical methods of information security
First language
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