Elaha Mushfiq
Professional experience for Elaha Mushfiq
- Current 7 years and 10 months, since May 2017
Senior Business Development Associate
Google Germany GmbH / Zevas
• Engaging premium partners with Google's online Search, Display, YouTube as well as Mobile advertising products • Closely collaborating with regional teams of online advertising experts at Google, to help companies and online platforms drive online conversions and build brand awareness •Dealing with C-Level customers and creating lasting client relationships •Knowledge of the DACH/German advertising market.
- 1 year, Jun 2016 - May 2017
Business Development Associate
Google Germany GmbH / Zevas
• Engaging business / large brands with Google's online Search, Display, YouTube as well as Mobile advertising products • Closely collaborating with regional teams of online advertising experts at Google, to help companies and online platforms drive online conversions and build brand awareness •Dealing with C-Level customers and creating lasting client relationships •Knowledge of the DACH/German advertising market.
- 2015 - 2016
Sales Account Manager
Yelp Deutschland GmbH
- analysing and investigating price, demand and competition - maintaining and developing relationships with existing customers in person and via telephone calls and emails - acting as a contact between a company and its existing and potential markets - negotiating the terms of an agreement and closing sales - gathering market and customer information - organising events and product exhibitions - monitoring performance - managing campaigns on social media
- 2013 - 2013
Account Executive
Fornatorp ab
- 2012 - 2012
Audi AG Ingolstadt
- 2011 - 2011
Linde Blankenese
Educational background for Elaha Mushfiq
- 5 months, Jan 2013 - May 2013
International Business Management
EBS Madrid (European Business School)
- 2 years and 9 months, Oct 2011 - Jun 2014
International Business Management
First language
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