Elena Voytenko
Professional experience for Elena Voytenko
- Current 15 years and 5 months, since Oct 2009
Director of European office
Eurostudio Ltd.
Sales, new area development and promotion, searching for new partners and clients; profit increase, company's development in general.
- 1 year, Nov 2008 - Oct 2009
Marketing Director
Rosspack, Novosibirsk, Russia
Market research, logo and corporate identity, development of the official website, maintainance, PR, brand promotion, outdoor advertisement, exhibions particiaption etc.
- 3 years and 1 month, Nov 2005 - Nov 2008
Director of the advertising department
New York Pizza, Novosibirsk, Russia
Advertising campaigns, POS-materials design and printing, market researches, mass media cooperation, staff training, market budgeting, working with foreign partners (China, the USA), logo and corporate identity creation etc.
- 3 years and 2 months, Oct 2002 - Nov 2005
Regional projects' superviser
Foundation for Independent Radio Broadcasting, Moscow, Russia
Regional radio projects' supervision and administration, PR and promotion, booklets and printing materials design, seminar organizatiion;
- 2 years and 2 months, Oct 2000 - Nov 2002
Project Manager
E-Business East, Moscow, Russia
Administrator of www.moscowout.ru database; web maintainance and development, websites' development (as a manager), account amnagement with a client.
Educational background for Elena Voytenko
- 4 years and 10 months, Sep 1999 - Jun 2004
Linguistics, humanitarian and applied sciences
Moscow Linguistic State University, Russian Federation
- 3 years and 10 months, Sep 1994 - Jun 1998
Foreign languages' department
Ekaterinburg Teachers' Training College, Russian Federation
First language
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