Elina Poikane
Professional experience for Elina Poikane
Konzeption und Realisation kanalübergreifender Kreativkonzepte (Messen, Mitarbeiterzeitschrift, Produktbroschüren, Anzeigen, Produktpräsentationen, Webauftritt, Veranstaltungen, digitale Illustrationen), Retusche, Korrektur und Optimierung von Bilddateien, Koordination und Kommunikation mit internen Abteilungen, Zentraler Ansprechpartner für die, Kommunikationsbelange der internationalen Tochtergesellschaften (USA, Canada, UK, Australien)
- 5 months, Jan 2014 - May 2014
Freelance Graphic Designer
Including: Book-cover design for “The Flinders Street Latvians”.
Project work: Book-cover design and event-design for a book “The Flinders Street Latvians”. Adelaide, South Australia. Consulting: WIA (Bremen), event poster.
- 1 year and 6 months, Jul 2012 - Dec 2013
Graphic Designer
Jean Pierre Rosselet Cosmetics AG
Promotional campaign concepts and designs (advertising, displays, banners, brochures, websites and more); packaging design; take and develop briefs; researching, analysing market and competition; providing English language support; assisting with new product naming; image styling and photography; photo editing, touch-ups; digital imaging and image manipulation; illustrations; and all print pre-press production and design delivery.
- 3 years and 11 months, Aug 2008 - Jun 2012
Freelance Graphic Designer / Publicity Coordinator / Stage Designer
- 1 year and 11 months, Feb 2010 - Dec 2011
Admissions Assistant, Academic Registry
Cranfield University / Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
- 2 years and 8 months, Jan 2006 - Aug 2008
Graphic Designer
The Ball Group
Educational background for Elina Poikane
- 2003 - 2006
Graphic Design
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
First language
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