Elizabeth Pérez Del Real
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Professional experience for Elizabeth Pérez Del Real
- 8 months, May 2018 - Dec 2018
Strategic Designer
Remember to Play
- Giving confidence to stakeholders to move forward by reducing complexity at the diverse stages of the product development process, especially in the fuzzy front end of innovation. - Facilitating creative sessions, conducting user research, concept design, prototyping and implementation of innovation strategies. - Design and optimization of internal processes for an IT consulting firm (hiring, employee growth and retention, and strategic execution).
- 4 years, Sep 2011 - Aug 2015
Design Lead
PM Partners
- Leading a five people design team with the objective of developing and improving Mexican and international brands, from logo design to ad campaigns. - Conceptualization, creation, testing and implementation of multiple design projects within tight timeframes. - Development of designs for advertising, presentations, product packaging, point of sale materials, event planning, promotional literature and marketing collateral.
Educational background for Elizabeth Pérez Del Real
- 2 years and 1 month, Aug 2015 - Aug 2017
Strategic Design
Delft University of Technology
Strategy, Innovation, Service Design, Design Research
- 3 years and 10 months, Aug 2007 - May 2011
Industrial design
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Product design, Rendering, Prototyping, Adobe Suite, Design Concepts
First language
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