Professional experience for FERRANDEZ FRANCOIS
- Current 11 years and 9 months, since Jun 2013
Study and development real-time embedded system engineer
- 11 months, Jan 2012 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: ""Migration of WINDOWS XP a WINDOWS 7 software test bench driving a card with a USB connector using a VMWARE virtual machine."" Realization: Technical The USB drivers of the test bench are not available in WINDOWS 7, installing a VMWARE virtual on the PC with WINDOWS 7 machine. Installing WINDOWS XP on VMWARE. Reconfiguration of the network Ethernet under VMWARE"" Deployed skills: network Ethernet, VB6"
- 1 year and 11 months, Jan 2011 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
"Documentation of database of building block"" Elaboration of documentation in French of equipment for generating signals and measurement of the database of ""building block from an English documentation retrieved on the internet. Creation of documentation PowerPoint maps THALES. Recovery and archiving of sources and the available documentation. skills deployed: analysis of signals, analog and digital receivers, translation of technical documents in English. "
- 1 year and 11 months, Jan 2011 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: ""Automated management of archiving paper documents"".Creation of an automated management of archiving paper documents Excel file. Manual entry of the characteristics of the documents to be archived in the EXCEL file. Automatic creation of labels cartons of archives with numbers defined by the Archiving service Automatic generation of Word documents associates at each delivery of archive. Creating an Excel files summarizing all made check-ins"". Deployed Skills: VB Excel and Word "
- 2 years and 11 months, Jan 2010 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: ""Automatically manage check-ins common directory service located on a network drive.”Creation of EXCEL to analysis of disk software for:-d' scan sub directories in a directory - to determine for each file the name of its owner, its size, the date of the most recent amendment to classify all sub directories in a directory by date last modified growing. -send an email to owners of sub directories unmodified 3 years "
- 2 years and 11 months, Jan 2010 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: ""Automatically manage check-ins common directory service located on a network drive.”Creation of EXCEL to analysis of disk software for:-d' scan sub directories in a directory - to determine for each file the name of its owner, its size, the date of the most recent amendment to classify all sub directories in a directory by date last modified growing. -send an email to owners of sub directories unmodified 3 years "
- 2 years and 11 months, Jan 2010 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission:see previous mission. - determine for each subdirectory its size, number of files, the name of the main owner of files, the percentage of use by the User Principal (number and size of files)the name of the most recently modified files. -save the results to a file Excel Creation of software in monitoring actions for EXCEL:-read all files results concerning the sub directories in a directory - to classify all sub directories in a directory by date last modified growing. "
- 2 years and 11 months, Jan 2010 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission:see previous mission. -send an email to owners of sub directories unmodified 3 years – to control the directories archive Md5 checksum Deployed skills: improving the robustness of software VB under EXCEL(total execution time can reach about ten hours) VB under WORD"
- 7 years and 11 months, Jan 2005 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: «Automatically operate the technical facts by equipment databases and automatically generate the POAM intended for client technical facts».Realization Creation of industrial process control tools: Extraction and backup in the resulting technical facts of PM, SAP EXCEL files, CLEARQUEST using the BUSINESS OBJECT tool completely automated by myself. Generating files of actions in response to the meeting. Automatic control of the actions taken at the meeting. "
- 7 years and 11 months, Jan 2005 - Nov 2012
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
" Mission:see previous mission. Automatic generation in Excel from the files above to an Excel technical facts associated with each device. This file will serve as a support for a meeting of management of the technical facts or decisions on the FT (closing, status change, change of Manager, change of batch processing deferred,...) will be taken. Automatic generation as Word of the accounts rendering of periodic technical facts."" Deployed skills: development of software in EXCEL, WORD, BO, PP"
- 1 year, Jan 2009 - Dec 2009
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: «Specifying a test bench multi sensors alert under DOORS-TREK»Realization Technical Creation the requirements under DOORS-TREK from the specification Word document. Creating arrays of traceability of requirements Creation of tables in DOORS-TREK to the connectors of the various detectors to alert. Regeneration of the specifications from DOORS-TREK Word document."" Deployed skills:programming in DXL under DOORS-TREK"
- 2 years, Jan 2008 - Dec 2009
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: ""Modification of the test bench of cards FRF to adapt it to the new interconnection of cards» creation for the subcontractor to the specification of wiring to the cable connecting the test bench at FRF cards test bench software Functionnal development of self-testing for monitoring the proper functioning of the test bench. Other Skills deployed: VB6, Definition wiring connectors, bench of Test,VB6 "
- 1 year, Jan 2007 - Dec 2007
Study and development real-time embedded system engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: ""Specification of the frond-end of the antenna active for the RBE2 under DOORS-TREK radar.Realization Technical Creation the requirements under DOORS-TREK from the specification Word document. Creation of the requirements traceability matrices.Reprogramming of the script for certain matrices. Functional Other Deployed skills:programming in DXL under DOORS-TREK"
- 4 months, Sep 2005 - Dec 2005
Study and development real-time embedded system engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: 'a few months on the BARRACUDA NG Intervention' Realization Technical Traitement of the technical facts related to the interrupt processing. Functional Other Deployed skills:C,VXWORKS"
- 1 year, Jan 2004 - Dec 2004
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: ""developments in a test bench to test the set of cards of SPECTRA.""Realization Director of developments on the test bench software. Development of a software for automatic search of measuring on the local Ethernet network to the test bench because until then the IP addresses of the devices were manually configured by a file. -Development software autopilot and data recovery on an oscilloscope Skills deployed VB6 "
- 1 year, Jan 2003 - Dec 2003
Study and development real-time embedded system engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: 'Evolution on the software of the Jammer SABRE equipping the MIRAGE 2000.'Creation of a system to download the software to identify and verify the validity of the version of the software implemented on the equipment from the version archived on computer. Realization of developments on the software of the Jammer. Functional Test continually the performance and reliability of the test bench Skills deployed C"
- 1 year, Jan 2003 - Dec 2003
Development test bench engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
"Mission: ""developed a test bench to test the card ASN of SPECTRA. ""Introduction of the true model of the antenna of the RAFALE to carry out tests in real conditions."" Realization of developments on the test bench software - Introduction the true model antenna of the RAFALE compared to theoretical omni directional that already existed. deployedwritten in VB6, adaptation in VB6 the modelling software from the RAFALE antennas of modeling in C "
- 4 years, Jan 2000 - Dec 2003
Study and development real-time embedded system engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
" Mission: ""Development of a Jammer barracuda new generation» Realization Definition of the computer architecture of the receiver of the Jammer with for the first time in a Jammer the implementation of a table to save settings of reception. -Creation of industrial process control tools: - a description of high-level interface software management tools allowing for example to correct a few hours a change in specifications of the sensor in the equipment and the associated test error-free bench."
- 4 years, Jan 2000 - Dec 2003
Study and development real-time embedded system engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
Mission:see previous mission. while in the case of the classical programming, this may require several weeks - a tool for simulation of the receiver of the BARRACUDA NG on Unix SUNusing the table above. This Simulator is associated with a software interface description of high-level allowing an expert develop a complex algorithm without error where total control of subcontracting
- 4 years, Jan 2000 - Dec 2003
Study and development real-time embedded system engineer
Thales Airborne Systems
Mission:see previous mission. - development of simulation bench of box compatibility which provides an interface between the Jammer, the alert detector, radar, the calculator aircraft. - Reverse engineering with a Logic Analyzer to monitor time software real VXWORKS, modification of the link driver series to adapt it to the specifications of the serial BARRACUDA link (this driver was used in ppp mode to connect the Vxworks kernel has Tornado via Ethernet.) Deployed skills:C,VXWORKS
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