Fabian Ruf
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Professional experience for Fabian Ruf
- Current 6 years and 4 months, since Nov 2018
Founder & Interface Designer
Resonant Design
Graphical User Interface design for music Software and Instruments.
- 11 years and 8 months, Apr 2002 - Nov 2013
Creative director / Freelancer
As creative director and freelance designer I am in charge of the customer consultation for corporate identity, creating design concepts for corporate designs, websites and e-commerce system, as well as easily adjustable and maintainable Wordpress templates.
- 3 months, Apr 2013 - Jun 2013
User Experience / User Interface Designer
JobsDB Inc
Independently conducted research, analysis, interaction-, user experience- and visual design for job ad templates on the jobsDB website in order to organize the postings in such that it greatly enhances the search experience and extensively increases user experience. I wrote my thesis to complete the bachelors degree in cooperation with jobsDB, one of Asia's largest job search engines, and regards the topic of digital job postings.
- 6 months, Apr 2012 - Sep 2012
User Interface Design
I enhanced the GUI and user experience, as well as icon design and illustration for the document management app doo. I worked in close collaboration with Mac OS X developers and interface designers on the OS X desktop app and developed visual concepts for the iPad and Android apps during my sabbatical semester.
- 8 months, Aug 2009 - Mar 2010
Art director / Voluntary Project
Art direction for the web design of a digital music label at the world biggest drum and bass radio station. A long term voluntary project.
- 4 years and 1 month, Aug 2005 - Aug 2009
User Interface Designer
iplabs gmbh
User experience and GUI design for windows software and e-commerce websites for international clients and brands. Completed vocational training and full-time job at the world leading photo service software provider and web-to-print solutions.
Didacto AG
Designarbeiten an Communitysystemen im Bereich Jura
Design von diversen Webseiten
Educational background for Fabian Ruf
- 9 months, Sep 2012 - May 2013
Visual Art
Hong Kong Baptist University
Evolutionary Graphics Indipendent Music Video Documentary Photography Fashion + Technoloy Design
- 2 years and 1 month, Sep 2009 - Sep 2011
Intermediales Design
Fh Trier
Neue Medien, Game Design, Audiovisuelle Medien
First language
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