Fabian Schaefer

Partner, Book Author and Consultant, KaMeRu publishing, Zurich

Abschluss: MBA (lic. oec HSG), 1997 Universität St.Gallen HSG

Zurich, Schweiz

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Senior Strategy & Operations Manager in (Financial
Broad Expertise in Wealth Management and Organizat
Team Development
Client Servicing Value Chain (incl. Offerings desi
Strategic Planning
Change Management as well as Management of Day-2-D
Operating Model and Process Improvements for Quali
Project Management
Change Management
Chief of Staff
Business requirements
Organizational Excellence
Strategy Implementation
HR Management
HR Consulting


Berufserfahrung von Fabian Schaefer

  • Bis heute 4 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit März 2020

    Leiter Bankentwicklung

    Bank Thalwil

    Help define and implement strategic and operational change at Bank Thalwil

  • Bis heute 10 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit Juli 2014

    Book Author and Consultant

    KaMeRu publishing, Zurich

    Writing second (and third) book Consulting KaMeRu head on sales distribution, communications and multimedia approach and projects (contents & execution) Focused on projects in literature and fine arts industries, including: - Wrote book Aus der Erstarrung (published June 2015) - Designed and executed program on overall vision, market positioning, new electronic channels and services, and process efficiency (creative, production)

  • 1 Jahr und 2 Monate, Jan. 2019 - Feb. 2020

    Manager Programmes & Projects HR / Change Manager

    Denner AG
  • 2 Jahre und 6 Monate, Dez. 2015 - Mai 2018

    Head of Business and Supplier Operations Management

    Zurich Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG

    Within the Operations and Technology unit of Zurich CH, leading team with processes and tasks including: Managing value chain for all main Zurich CH suppliers; combined scope of consulting / professional services, marketing, technology and logistics Ensuring operational assurance in operations (incl. ext. / int. audit management, execution of risk assessments, SOX) Establishing HR processes (recruiting, employee survey measures, Hay roles model implementation, contractor control)

  • 4 Jahre und 5 Monate, Feb. 2010 - Juni 2014

    Head Customer Segment Management Private Banking

    Neue Aargauer Bank (Credit Suisse Group)

    - Leading team managing interface PB sales force - middle office for Affluent/PB/IC/FIM segments (marketing, products, L&C, ops) reporting to BA head - Defining and implementing PB client servicing frameworks, sales strategies day-2-day - Shaped NAB strategic change programs 2008/12 for BA, incl. implementation, fostering cultural change in sales teams (best practices, transparency/MbO) - Implemented Offshore Desk 2011, PB Front Support Ops Model 2013 - Promoted to Director (CS Group) 2012/13

  • 3 Jahre, Nov. 2006 - Okt. 2009


    Deloitte Consulting GmbH, Zurich

    Advised major private and universal banks and insuranc companies on strategy implementation and operations efficiency, led research for and creation of studies on PB, risk management, banking industrialization, managed client RFPs, selected and led junior resources

  • 1 Jahr und 6 Monate, Mai 2005 - Okt. 2006

    Chief of Staff CEO (focus: Strategic Change Program)

    Banque CIAL (Suisse), Basel/Paris

    Answering directly to the executive board, managed strategic change program execution, managed key projects, developed and led CEO staff function

  • 7 Jahre und 4 Monate, Feb. 1998 - Mai 2005

    Client Advisor B2B, Senior Consultant and Senior Business Analyst

    UBS AG, Basel / Chicago / Zurich

    Positions cover entire COO banking value chain from strategic sourcing or process improvements to B2B sales and product management

Ausbildung von Fabian Schaefer

  • Bis heute 5 Jahre und 10 Monate, seit Okt. 2018

    Arts & Culture

    University of Basel

    Studies in Arts and Arts Management (Kulturmangement) at the faculty of history and philosophy of University of Basel

  • 5 Jahre und 2 Monate, Sep. 1992 - Okt. 1997

    Business Administration, Economics

    1997 Universität St.Gallen HSG

    * 1992 - 1997 studies (majors strategy & organization and controlling) * Exchange Terms 1997 Université de Genève HEC and 1995 Norwegian School of Economics NHH Bergen * Research assistant at Technology Management Institute (ITEM-HSG) * Internships in Consulting and Petroleum Industry


  • Deutsch


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Creative business ideas and their implementation
HSG - University St.Gallen alumni associations
Contemporary literature theatre and cinematography
Hiking in CH (esp. Engadin and Bernese Alps) and city travel worldwide
Collector of Contemporary Art (CH - NL - BE - California)

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