Federico Morales
Professional experience for Federico Morales
- Current 4 years and 11 months, since Apr 2020
Senior Software Solution Architect, IT, Senior Manager
Bacardi España
- 1 year and 1 month, Apr 2019 - Apr 2020
Full Stack Engineer, Solution Architect, Lead
Nestlé España S.A.
Development for Nestlé Global Digital Hub, maintaining and refactoring the frontend and backend of its applications that use the CIAM (Consumer Identity & Account Management) solution, as well as the creation of new applications required by Nestle PO team. Main tasks: - Full Stack development - Lead the front-end with React-Redux. - Solid principles - Deployment in dev and production envs. - Testing - Scrum Technologies: React Redux Express (Node) MaterialUI Elasticsearch Docker Jenkins Azure Jest
- 1 year and 1 month, Apr 2018 - Apr 2019
Full Stack Engineer, Software Architect
Proof of concept: digital platform to promote the creation of projects using permaculture system. Machine learning. Technologies: React Html5 Css3 Styled components MongoDB Git Wit Firebase Expo (react native) Redux persist Sketch (UX/UI)
- 1 year and 7 months, Aug 2016 - Feb 2018
Solution Architect / FullStack Engineer, Manager
"Financial service company with a clear focus in mind: create value delivering creative financial solutions to people and company needs, by having experienced financial leadership on board, using the latest technology in the correct manner, and always standing up for our values no matter what." Main tasks: - Software Architect - React/React Native - AWS - Recruitment of developers - I+D - Deployment in AWS (test and production environment) - Technology Coordinator - Definition of UX/UI features
- 4 months, May 2016 - Aug 2016
Frontend Lead
My main role was to generate a frontend from scratch since Ofertix had an MVC environment created in PHP and required split the frontend and the backend to have better scalability and performance. Part of my task as a front-end tech lead was to form the knowledge to the rest of the team of php programmers to subtract the adaptation to the Javascript world with React. - Frontend tech lead (4 developers) - Development - Solid - Testing - Scrum. - React - Redux - Html5
- 10 months, Aug 2015 - May 2016
Frontend Lead
- Lead Frontend development for the Immfly portal, created with AngularJS, Html5, Sass. - Technical Lead of 2 developers - Deployment of applications in development / production environment using continuous integration (jenkins) and AWS. - Agile scrum methodology. - Testing using Karma. Technologies: AngularJS (v1.7.6) Html5 Css3 Sass Jenkins Vagrant Karma
- 1 year and 10 months, Feb 2013 - Nov 2014
Full Stack Engineer, Lead
- Technical Lead of 3 developers - Fullstack development - Deployment of applications in dev using jenkins. - Agile scrum methodology. - Testing using Karma Technologies: Codeigniter (PHP) Html5 Css3 Sass Git
- 6 months, Apr 2012 - Sep 2012
Full Stack Engineer
Development of Facebook applications for different temporary campaigns for clients such as NESTLE, OCB, PEPE JEANS, LA SIRENA. Also the development of a mobile application (IOS / Android) for the Barcelona City Council on the different markets in the center of Barcelona such as la boqueria, santa caterina, etc. Main tasks: - Development - Testing - Deployment - Documentation - Control version with GIT Technologies: Zend (PHP) Facebook Graph API HTML5 Css3 Jquery (javascript) C# Xcode Java GIT
- 7 months, Aug 2011 - Feb 2012
Fullstack Developer Internship
Coexia is a company with more than 10 years of experience in Web Design. Internship contract working on the frontend and backend using MVC. Projects: http://www.grino-rotamik.es/ https://www.picnegre.com/ https://www.frigo.es Main tasks: - Development - Testing - Deployment - Documentation - Documentation - Control version with Subversion (SVN) Technologies: - Codeigniter (PHP) - HTML5 - Css3 - Javascript - Jquery (javascript) - Svn
Educational background for Federico Morales
- 2 years and 11 months, Sep 2012 - Jul 2015
University of Barcelona. Barcelona, España
First language
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