Dipl.-Ing. Fernand Schroell
Angestellt, Head of Technology and Architecture, Deutsche Bahn
München, Germany
Professional experience for Fernand Schroell
- Entwicklung der Technologiestrategie Konnektivität und innovative Funktechnologien vom Mobilfunkanbietern über das Gleis, dem Fahrzeug bis hin zum Fahrgast - Repräsentanz in Bahnspezifischen Gremien „branchenspezifischen Themen mit nachrichtentechnischem Bezug" - Monitoring zur Erfassung und Bewertung des aktuellen Technologiestandards und Bewertung neuer Technologielösungen - Entwickelst einer vollständige Bedarfserfassung im Bereich Nachrichtentechnik im Gesamtsystem Bahn
1 year and 10 months, Oct 2017 - Jul 2019
Customer Lead Telecommunication Architect, Innovation & 5G
Our organisation develops the technology vision and reference architectures to make Mobile Networks ready evolving towards 5G. This includes new innovation concepts, demos as well as common R&D foundation elements. Lead architects are assigned to few focus customers to engage with them on technology, architecture and innovation topics, essentially for validating/aligning early customer feedback and feed them back to innovation/development units for ensuring Nokia’s future portfolio are market leading.
4 years and 5 months, Jun 2013 - Oct 2017
Mobile Networks CTO - Customer Technology Vision & Innovation Lead - Europe
MN CTO Customer Engagement team promotes MN technology leadership and vision by developing a strategic technology evolution & innovation plan for top customers. Our teams key tasks and responsibilities: - Define technology vision, innovation and evolution plan supported by events, workshops, webinars, demos etc) for each target customer - Drive customer feedback to MN Technology Vision and Nokia MN innovation community - Build customer and stakeholder engagement in defining a long term vision
6 years and 2 months, Apr 2007 - May 2013
Head of Technology (CTO) for large Customer Business Team
Nokia Siemens NetworksThe Head of Technology (HoT) for one of the world largest telecom operator, is representing all Nokia Siemens Networks business units by leading strategic, long-term technology marketing activities towards the customer, as a partner to the customers strategic and technical leaders. Globally interacts with and provides market requirements to Business Units (BUs) on technology and products strategies. Ensures aligned technology dialogue between Nokia Siemens Networks and this customer.
15 years and 11 months, May 1991 - Mar 2007
Telecommunications Engineer, Technical Sales & Product Line Manager
SW-Development (CHILL, PASCAL, ADA, Lotus Notes,..), Project-Management Voice Switching, Head of Support SW (inhouse Compiler, Databases, Clear Case, Production System,...).... Head of technical sales for ICN FiN (Fixed Networks) in Siemens Paris Head Quarter Product Line Management of IMS based Fixed Mobile Convergence at Siemens Com Mobile
Educational background for Fernand Schroell
6 years and 2 months, Jan 1985 - Feb 1991
Engineer degree in technical computer science (Dipl. Ing. Informatik)
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL
Master of Science (MSc.) in Technical Computer Science
First language
First language