Fery Sinaga
Professional experience for Fery Sinaga
- Current 8 years and 7 months, since Jul 2016
Digital Marketing Manager
YC Media
My main responsibility is to understand how is the bank business process & business rules run then translate it to the system language & systematically plan it to the IT project (internet/mobile banking development). The goal is to make it easy to understand by the IT & Programmer team so they can turn it into an IT System (software/internet/mobile banking) seamlessly. I also responsible to assure the development is on the track with the plan.
- Current 14 years, since Feb 2011
Marketing Executive
Nissan Indonesia
This is my first time full time professional job. My responsibility is to sell Nissan new cars & reach my target monthly. I was the national youngest employee the year i joined. Gladly im having very good achievements shortly i joined. My achievements rate totally around 120%.
First language
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