Florian Müller
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Professional experience for Florian Müller
- Current 3 years and 9 months, since Jun 2021
Senior Product Designer (on paternity leave)
- 1 year and 5 months, Feb 2020 - Jun 2021
Associate Creative Lead for LEGO Creator Expert & LEGO Architecture
My team and I research and build radically new, big, fun LEGO products that excite and inspire in all possible ways and motivate change through impactful collaboration across the organization. I present the digital and physical concepts to our stakeholders, build prototypes, and ensure a smooth workflow inside the design process, as well as consulting regarding new innovations & tech. Working with external partners and big brands (Amazon, adidas,Volkswagen,Google,Disney/Pixar) is also part of my daily work.
- 1 year and 7 months, Aug 2018 - Feb 2020
Senior Innovation Designer
As a LEGO Senior Innovation Designer I sketch, prototype, develop and build new play experiences and concepts to create the world’s best building and play experiences for boys and girls through the LEGO DNA. I drive the research for new concepts and experiences based on a strong insight and understanding for our future products, all in line with our stakeholders KPIs and external IP partners criteria.
- 2 years, Sep 2016 - Aug 2018
Creative Technologist Specialist
As a Creative Technologist Specialist I am responsible for the creative development and design of new technical prototypes that amplifies the play experience for kids. I also represent the prototype concepts to our internal stakeholders (Marketing/Brand/Product Groups) as well to our external collaboration partners (Amazon, Apple, Google, Spotify) and ensure a smooth workflow within the organization. Also supporting our regional markets with expertise regarding the new innovations.
At Roland Berger I am responsible for planning, developing and maintaining all corporate websites, webapps, mobile apps and social media applications for our company and our customers. My team and I are in charge of all on-going corporate related online activities as well as the realization of new projects, internal and external. In addition to daily management, I represent our broad portfolio of products and services in front of our customers and I manage the budget of all online activities.
- 3 years, Oct 2008 - Sep 2011
Project Manager Online
Saint Elmo's Interaction
Team organization and team leading, customer consultant, project controlling, project planning, budget and finance planning and controlling, project plans and charts (GANTT), resources planning, internal process organization, cost calculations, Social Media concepts/strategies/integration, Mobile Apps concepts/strategies/integration, SEO/SEA campaign management, Google Adwords
- 1 year and 4 months, Jun 2007 - Sep 2008
Web & Interface Designer
User interface design, web design, public relations, content management
- 1 year and 3 months, Jul 2004 - Sep 2005
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, OV Darmstadt-Starkenburg
Tätigkeiten als Rettungssanitäter, Fahrer Baby-Notarzt, Intensivtransporte. Berufsgrundausbildung zum Rettungssanitäter ASB Landesschule NRW Abschluss: Staatlich geprüfter Rettungssanitäter
Educational background for Florian Müller
- 3 years and 1 month, Oct 2005 - Oct 2008
Media Design & Media Engineering
Mediadesign Hochschule
Abschlussthematik: "Filmwirtschaft im Wandel: Marktorientierung, Merchandising und Globalisierung. Eine medienökonomische Untersuchung." (Note 1,3)
First language
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