Florie Salnot

Angestellt, UX Design & Research Lead, nebenan.de - Good Hood GmbH

Karlsruhe, Deutschland

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

UX design
Produkt Strategie
User Research
Digital Product Design
Business- und Nutzerananalyse
UX/UI Grob- und Feinkonzeption
Sketch & Invision Prototypen
Digital Strategie
service design
people-centered design
design thinking
Usability Beratung
Nutzer Tests
Nutzerzentiertes Design
Lean UX
Agilen Methoden


Berufserfahrung von Florie Salnot

  • Bis heute 5 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit Juli 2019

    UX Design & Research Lead

    nebenan.de - Good Hood GmbH

  • 8 Jahre und 6 Monate, 2011 - Juni 2019

    Service & User Experience Designerin

    floriesalnot.com I Strategie, Beratung und Konzeption

    I run qualitative research with users and stakeholders. Based on the research, I help you set the strategic direction of your project. I facilitate team-ideation workshops and build on every team member’s contribution to define concepts for your product. I generate wireframes, sketches or clickable prototypes and carry out regular tests with users to iterate on the final design.

  • 2 Jahre und 3 Monate, Dez. 2014 - Feb. 2017


    precious Gesellschaft für Design mbH

  • 2 Jahre und 1 Monat, Sep. 2010 - Sep. 2012

    Research Associate

    Helen Hamlyn Centre

    Worked as a design researcher to help organizations to understand complex problems and to create greater consumer satisfaction using empathic research methods. In charge of the Healthy Pregnancy Research Project for Clearblue. The different outputs included: the development of 6 user profiles with various key insights and 4 areas of design opportunities for the company. This was later developed in 15 design concepts generated through co-design workshops and the refinement and development of one of them.

Ausbildung von Florie Salnot

  • 1 Jahr und 11 Monate, Sep. 2008 - Juli 2010

    Design Product

    Royal College of Art

  • 2 Jahre und 11 Monate, Sep. 2004 - Juli 2007

    Furniture design, Furniture making

    Ecole Boulle

  • 1 Jahr und 11 Monate, Sep. 2002 - Juli 2004

    Anthropology, social sciences

    La Sorbonne


  • Englisch


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