Gilles Tabbone
Professional experience for Gilles Tabbone
- Current 8 years and 6 months, since Sep 2016
Product Manager
Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
- Responsible for application solutions - Agile Product Owner, responsible for Enterprise Solutions - Development cross-platform applications - Definition of work packages and product roadmaps - Coordination of projects between fields of business - Coordination of projects with development partners and customers - Presentation of products and results at conferences and customers' site - Market and new technological trends surveillance
- 4 years, Sep 2012 - Aug 2016
Lead Application Engineer
Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
- Management of process application. - Management of application engineers. - R&D development on prototype. - Development of an Application Centre. - Lead demonstrations and tool acceptances. - Adapt new product specifications to production.
- 5 years and 3 months, Jun 2007 - Aug 2012
Application Engineer
Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
- Setup of chemical processes on an e-beam based tool (modified SEM) inducing reactions to standardize repairs on lithographic masks. - Management of process application in Production - Adapt new product specifications to standardized production - Lead demonstrations and tool acceptances with international customers
- 1 year, Oct 2003 - Sep 2004
Research Assistant
Université de Karlsruhe
Electrodeposition of metals and semiconductors in ionic liquids under scanning tunnelling microscope control (STM)
- 2 months, Jul 2000 - Aug 2000
Lab Technician - Quality Control
Michelin development GmbH
Educational background for Gilles Tabbone
- 2001 - 2004
University of Sherbrooke
- Electro analytical methods, advanced electrochemistry, characterization of materials. - Master’s thesis: “Electrochemical studies of hydrogen absorption in metallic powders”.
- 1997 - 2001
Physical Chemistry
University of Strasbourg
- Analytical chemistry, nuclear chemistry, electrochemistry. - Bibliographical thesis:”Bio-membranes and primitive biological vesicles”
First language
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