Giorgia Sambrotta
Professional experience for Giorgia Sambrotta
Working as solo Frontend Developer taking care of everything is in charge of Frontend Dev: - Create templates with Html5/Sass/Css/Mustachejs - Build the user experience with Javascript / jQuery and the helps of some plugins - Connect frontend to backend build in Php - Keep code modular - Responsive app - Find best solutions for users, technology and business
- Current 10 years and 2 months, since Jan 2015
Web Developer
E-commerce website based on Prestashop. Taking care of the whole project from setting enviroments(server, database, local and stage) to develop the website, dealing with module support team and with client as well.
- Current 11 years and 6 months, since Sep 2013
Frontend developer (web designer)
I give service as Ux research, UI Design and Interface Design and implementation and Front end development
- 1 year and 1 month, Nov 2014 - Nov 2015
Frontend Developer - Sass Architecture
I was in the Sass refactor team where the main task is refactor the whole buzzfeed application with modluar Object-Oriented CSS and BEM. Experimenting lot with new technique mixed to old one in order to support older browsers.
- 3 months, Feb 2014 - Apr 2014
UX/UI Web deisgner
UX study case and research, wireframing, Photoshop design and implementation with Html and sass with ExJs
- 6 months, Nov 2013 - Apr 2014
Frontend Developer and Designer
UX, UI/Designer and Frontend Developer
- 1 year and 4 months, Feb 2012 - May 2013
Web Designer
Delivery Hero GmbH
Web designer junior Implement new platform(CMS) for support all differents company website spread around the world
- 5 months, Sep 2011 - Jan 2012
Web Designer Junior
MCB - Rebate Networks
Web Designer/Front end developer We developed a market place for lost&Found items based on Joomla
- 4 months, Mar 2011 - Jun 2011
web designer junior
Creazione e implementazione di siti web statici e dinamici. Accorgimenti e modifiche su siti implementati da altri professionisti. Layout grafici
- 3 months, Nov 2010 - Jan 2011
web designer junior
realizzazione di layout grafici in photoshop per siti web e modifiche o correzioni di altri siti web in html
assistente web design
mauro accornero free lance
Educational background for Giorgia Sambrotta
- 3 years and 5 months, Oct 2007 - Feb 2011
graphic, social communication and Advertisement
N.A.B.A. - Nuova accademia di belle arti Milano
Graphics Advertisement web video7animation
First language
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