Gökhan Özdemir
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Professional experience for Gökhan Özdemir
- Team lead within the cloud practice for cloud-based transformation design, journey management and value realization - Responsible for driving AWS and FinOps related projects as well as cloud trainings to upskill our people - Specialized in automotive industry to provide client specific cloud strategies for agile enterprise, digitization, big data, AI, IoT etc. - Design of cloud migration and transformation roadmaps - Assess and define industry specific value cases, cloud-based IT target architectures etc.
- Advising and supporting market-leading companies in digitizing their business processes in Salesforce.com Clouds - Leading multiple IT projects in the automotive industry by moving the client systems and applications to the AWS Cloud - Managing near- and off-shore teams up to 16 members to develop applications for global rollouts in aftersales - Digital health checks of sales & marketing systems based on functionality, digital readiness, speed, money and used technology
- Analysis of client's IT-Infrastructure to setup fully integrated and CRM supported Multi-Channel projects - Implementation of Multi-Channel strategies for the automated execution of online & offline marketing campaigns based on customized Salesforce.com platforms - Responsible for an overall seamless Multi-Channel experience including sales success measurements and business case calculations to indicate the positive ROI impact on the business
- 3 years and 5 months, Jan 2011 - May 2014
Founder / Manager
Tapato International
- Setup and development of an online start-up to provide e-services to small- and medium-sized companies - Planning and implementation of projects within the area of digital marketing, web-shop and social media integrations - Arranging collaborations and strategic partners for new service areas and defining growth strategies for the product portfolio - Responsible for operational and strategic business as well as building and leading a team up to 5 members
- 5 months, Sep 2010 - Jan 2011
Marketing Manager
ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG
- Implementation of an Oracle based product configuration software for the sales unit of ThyssenKrupp Elevators - Planning and execution of workshops, trainings and presentations - Responsible for creation and coordination of internal and external marketing documents (e.g. brochures, product catalogs, technical data sheets, assembly and operating instructions)
- 1 year, Mar 2009 - Feb 2010
Working Student
Rolls-Royce Deutschland
- Development of a calculation model for economic profitability of repair activities on aircraft engine components against the replacement with new parts and standardization of this model within the Rolls-Royce Group - Maintenance of systems and databases that calculates this model and creation of weekly reports on departmental performance - The experience and knowledge gained from this role formed the basis for my final year thesis: "The economic evaluation in the repair of engine components"
- Implementation of an IT-based Tool (MPRP) for calculation of resources and capacities in simultaneous development of multiple projects parallel to manufacturing process - Redesign and restructure of the calculation methods based on the collected inputs from several departments - Plausibility checks with past and empirical values as well as run application tests for bug fixing and defect handling
- 7 months, Aug 2005 - Feb 2006
Daimler AG
- Worked and learned the practices utilized in the production process of oil and water pumps - Involved in continuous improvement process and assisting in implementation of Mercedes-Benz production system - Creation of technical presentations and preparation of documentations
Educational background for Gökhan Özdemir
- 2006 - 2010
HTW Berlin
Thema der Abschlussarbeit: „Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung im Bereich der Instandsetzung von Triebwerkskomponenten bei der Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG“
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