Gunnar Hinkel
Professional experience for Gunnar Hinkel
- Current 4 years and 9 months, since Jun 2020
Agile Product Owner / Consultant
one agile sync
Full spectrum Product Owning (Scrum/Kanban/etc) | Data & Process Analyst (analyze, modeling, consulting) | Requirements & Business Engineering | Critical thinking and problem solving in complex environments | Agile Transformation & Change support I actively look for ways to support stakeholder in decision management, e.g. with concepts, KPI development, process understanding and agile change consulting.
- 2 years and 1 month, May 2018 - May 2020Gansel Rechtsanwälte
Product Owner / Agile Product Consultant
Implementing agile product management in fast growing and fast changing legal tech environment. Minimizing the gap between legal think tanks and scaled business cases supported by big data, web and cloud technology. I manage and acquire requirements from business, tech and subject domain to support agile product development and scaled business cases (e.g. S.a.a.S.). I have strong skills in critical thinking, analysis and solving problems in complex environments.
- 2 years and 6 months, Dec 2015 - May 2018Hella Aglaia Mobile Vision GmbH
Product Owner / Product Manager
Strategic and technical Agile Product Management in Automotive ADAS Tool-Chain, Business Development and Scrum Product Owning. Creating a cloud based globally available platform for ground truth generation to generate data for machine learning and algorithm training/testing.
- 2 years and 2 months, Jan 2014 - Feb 2016
CEO & Founder / Product Owner
Webtech startup (e-commerce), Spin-off at the Freie Universität Berlin, EXIST funded by the European Union. Hozi:picture is about creating touch pictures easy and fast. We help web shops to sell more products by enable their custumers to touch goods online. Commercialize new e-commerce solutions for web shops on touch devices.
Software Development, IT Project Management / Redesign and technical demonstration of the textbook of the future on touch devices in conjunction with environmental inputs (e-learning). Working as an IT software engineer managing the developer team and minimize the gap between science innovation and enterprise use.
Creating solutions with tools and touch devices: Enhanced E-learning in a tech based multimedia environment
- 4 months, Jun 2009 - Sep 2009
(Freelancer) Technical Support Engineer
Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik (IAP) /Norway
El.techn. Installation of Middle Atmosphere Alomar 3D Radar System. Working with a team to set up the radar field very fast and focused due to the environmental influences northern of the Arctic Circle.
Educational background for Gunnar Hinkel
- 6 years and 4 months, Sep 2005 - Dec 2011
Master Multimedia Engineering
University of Applied Sciences Technology, Business and Design Wismar
Betriebssysteme, Datenbankentwicklung, Computer Vision, Data-Mining, Softwaretechnik, Client-Server Architektur, Webentwicklung
- 3 years and 6 months, Mar 2002 - Aug 2005
Universität Rostock
Produktionswirtschaft, Organisationspsychologie, Mikro & Makroökonomie
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