Gustavo Dauer
Professional experience for Gustavo Dauer
- Current 7 years, since Feb 2018
Head of the IT Department of the 2nd Combat Engineering Battalion.
Brazilian Army
Responsible for the institution's software development projects for management in various areas using PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Bash/Shell Script, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and Git. Knowledge of Software Engineering, UML, Project Standards, Software Testing and Information Security. Worked on the SCC, SCFEx, CSI, MadMax and Arranchamento projects.
- 4 years and 1 month, Jan 2014 - Jan 2018
Software Developer
LMDC (Dimensional and Computational Metrology Laboratory).
Responsible for developing systems for Petrobrás using C++, Qt4, Oracle 11g, SVN, Git, UML with SCRUM methodology. Worked on the Chemrock IV, Petrorifte and Geometria projects.
- 7 years and 1 month, Jan 2007 - Jan 2014
IT Analyst
Souza Mello
Responsible for developing systems in ASP, PHP and Java. Implementation of real estate advertisement websites and consultation of court cases and design of the CISMAI system in Java EE/Hibernate, responsible for managing people, resources and the office's integrated proxy, controlling the release of websites and auditing access.
Educational background for Gustavo Dauer
- 6 years and 10 months, Mar 2010 - Dec 2016
Bachelor of Computer Science
Fluminense Federal University
Bachelor of Computer Science
First language
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