Hassan Karimi
Professional experience for Hassan Karimi
- Current 3 years and 3 months, since Nov 2021
Android Developer | Kotlin
Mobile application development . Activity: Android Developer. Technologies: Kotlin, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose, Flow, Hilt, Git.
- Current 6 years and 9 months, since May 2018
Senior Android Developer | Java / IOS Developer | Swift
Activity: Design and development online bus ticket sell app, online taxi booking app, bus tender app, call support app . Technologies: Java, SQL, REST, JSON, Google Map, Git, Trello, Swift, Unit Test, Volley, firebase. Some apps that was downloaded over 50K times.
- Current 8 years and 7 months, since Jul 2016
Senior Android Developer
Gandom IT
FinTech Software Development by Gandom-IT Company. Activity: Lead android developer in 3 key projects . POS App and Citizenship card and shop cash register. Technologies: Java , Gradle, MVC ,AR , NDK , SQL , Rest ,Google Map , JSON , Mifare Card , POS K9 , POS T1 , NXP 1k , ClickUP , Git , Sam Card , Kiosk , Magnetic card , JPOS ISO-8583 , Figma ,volley, JUnit .
- Current 8 years and 7 months, since Jul 2016
Senior Android Developer
N-Group Design and development of web And mobile Application. Activity: Designed and developed more than 60 module . like : booking, ticket, market, shop, customer club. Create over 500 application. Technologies: Java, MVC, Gradle, NDK , SQL, REST, JSON, Google Map, Volley, Git , Trello
- 4 years and 9 months, Nov 2011 - Jul 2016
QT | Android | Web Developer
Payam Pardaz provide technical services in the field of IT & ICT security. Activity : Firewall UI, Proxy Manager, OTG connection . Working in an Agile team based on Scrum methodology Technologies: OTG, Java, QT, Javascript, CSS, Html, PKCS5, C++, RSA, Scrum, OpenSSL .
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