Hawkar Kaaf
Professional experience for Hawkar Kaaf
- Current 8 years and 1 month, since Feb 2017
Senior Designer and Creativity Specialist
Goran Net ISP
- Re-branding the corporate design identities and styleguide, with a combination of previously created and newest design trends. - Contribute effectively to a cross-functional marketing team, that collectively develop an integrated channel approach - Design layouts and processes to deliver a wide range of visual assets/materials and produce documents from design concept to final format.
- Current 17 years and 7 months, since Aug 2007
Head of UI/UX Design
Sunrise Networks GmbH
- Develop and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with service managers - Responsible for entire corporate design materials develop and production - Illustrate design ideas - Design GUI elements, like admin templates, menus, tabs, and widgets - Develop UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate how sites function and work
- 1 year and 2 months, Jan 2016 - Feb 2017
Design Consultant
- Produce and publish new content in a creative way - Oversee layout (images, graphics, videos, and artwork) - Check content for accuracy - Use SEO and social media - Ensure content is up-to-date - Comply with copyright and privacy regulations -Monitor website’s traffic to measure popularity
Educational background for Hawkar Kaaf
- 4 years and 1 month, Jul 2012 - Jul 2016
Media and Public Relations
University of Sulayjmaniyah
Media, Communications, Copywrighting, Photography, Videography, Media Methods, PR Methods, Graphic Design.
First language
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