Hazar Bou Hassoun
Professional experience for Hazar Bou Hassoun
- Current 2 years and 11 months, since Mar 2022
Frontend Developer
Nestech Technology
Built and managed 22 medium-sized enterprise applications in Authorities and Municipalities management with one dynamic base core (Vue.js projects). Built and managed a core internal facing enterprise projects that is serving all React apps. Coaching juniors Front-End team members and supervising Front-End projects. Stack: JavaScript, Vue.js, Quasar, Vuex, Vue-Router, Git, Scrum
- 1 year and 5 months, Jan 2021 - May 2022
Frontend Developer
Built a website and CMS base-core which served 4 different websites. Built and managed one large-sized enterprise Human Resource application with different versions which served different huge companies in Syria. Coaching juniors Front-End team members. Stack: JavaScript, Vue.js, Vuetify, Vuex, Electron-Vue, Vue-Router, Bootstrap, Bootstrap-Vue, JQuery, Sass, Git, Scrum.
- 3 months, Aug 2021 - Oct 2021
Frontend Engineer Coach
Write Vue.js learning documentation. Training more than 30 developers about Vue.js Advanced and Vuetify. Stack: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, Vue.js, Vuetify, Vuex, Vue-Router, Git.
- 2 years and 7 months, Jun 2018 - Dec 2020
Technical officer
Manage Fiber Optic network project for the company's factory which linked the other cities branches together through secure Network and Database. Responsible for all escalation and technical issues in the company. Update documentation with making analysis reports and choose the best software after a good understanding of how they worked and which are the company requirements. Stack: Windows server 2012, Mikrotik routers, Access points, servers..
Educational background for Hazar Bou Hassoun
- 7 years and 7 months, Sep 2014 - Mar 2022
Information technology engineering
Faculty of Information Technology of Damascus University
Software engineering
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