Illia Kharytonov
Professional experience for Illia Kharytonov
- Current 6 years and 8 months, since Jul 2018
Highload.Me provides technology intensive solutions for companies, in such business areas as Financial Technology, Trading, Brokerage, Investments and Marketing Automation. We develop distributed, high load and high availability systems with complex and secure business logic which can reliably serve a huge amount of your clients, such many as there may be and wherever they may be, always providing them a premium quality service.
- 2 years and 3 months, Apr 2016 - Jun 2018
Senior Software Engineer
Developed the platform which helps companies grow their business by driving and engaging users to their mobile apps. My main responsibility was developing the complex professional web tool designated to configure and launch user acquisition and retargeting campaigns, build corresponding reports and provide APIs for the company’s clients to access their data.
- 10 months, Jul 2015 - Apr 2016
Software Engineer
As an independent contractor worked on a lot of different complex projects, such as corporate CRMs and ERPs, high load websites and backends, projects with wide API integration and/or providing their own API. Primarily focused on Web projects, but also got some amazing Desktop and Embedded experience. My top-rated profile on Upwork freelancing platform: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~013971633320829441
- 1 year, Aug 2014 - Jul 2015
Senior Software Engineer
Participated in development of backend solutions for cellular operators. Have written a big web application for complete configuring "on the fly" and data provide for iOS and Android applications of a mobile operator. These applications are client's personal area in which he can manage any settings of his account, phone number, tariff plan and so on. Also participated in backend development of IVR menus and interactive content supply for mobile subscribers.
- 10 months, Nov 2013 - Aug 2014
Founder and Lead Web Developer
Design Line
Full construction of web projects of any kind: ecommerce, landing pages, business card websites, corporate web applications, portals, SaaS projects.
- 1 year and 5 months, Jun 2012 - Oct 2013
PHP and Java Developer
LightSoft Research
As PHP developer was working on highload web-applications and sites for searching and booking tours, plane tickets, hotels. The projects had big and complicated inner backend, as well as database structure. As Java developer have written distributed statistics gathering system working on all company's projects, which enables to collect statistics data and make reports on different commercial indexes of the company.
Educational background for Illia Kharytonov
- 2010 - 2012
- 4 years and 10 months, Sep 2007 - Jun 2012
Computerized Management Systems and Automatics
Karazin Kharkiv National University
I was studying programming, as well as networks engineering technologies. Courses of engineer approach itself and systems management technologies were also essential. I obtained my first permanent remote job as Web Developer on the 4th grade and have been working in this sphere since that time.
First language
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