Imad Eddine Mansour
Professional experience for Imad Eddine Mansour
- Current 2 years, since Mar 2023
Software Engineer II
Design and implement a robust logging system on Google Cloud Platform to facilitate real-time log streaming. Design and implement scalable, high-performance RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express.js supporting more than 6 million users. Optimize the performance and reliability of backend systems through load testing, monitoring, and troubleshooting, utilizing knowledge of JavaScript and database technologies.
- 8 months, Aug 2022 - Mar 2023
Software Engineer
Build and maintain REST APIs. Scale the application to handle processing from 150 invoices to more than 5000 invoices. Increase React.js/Node.js load time/response time performance by 70%.
- 10 months, Oct 2021 - Jul 2022
Software Engineer
Design web application architecture and lead the backend team. Design and build booking system with different modules for Algerian market (flights, stays, car rental, etc.). Implement e-payment methods (Edahabia). Utilize Docker to containerize the application, enhancing portability and scalability. Implement CI/CD pipelines to automate the development and deployment processes, ensuring faster and more reliable releases.
- 2 months, Sep 2021 - Oct 2021
Backend Developer
Creating new flight module with AmadeusAPI. Writing APIs documentations (SwaggerUI).
First language
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