Jan Justus
Professional experience for Jan Justus
CEO of a high growth open source and commercial software company. With our product Checkmk we are focused on Infrastructure and Application Monitoring for hybrid IT - cloud, enterprise, IoT. Our mission is to ensure that the world’s IT backbone never fails – preventing faults before they occur, triggering fast action when faults cannot be prevented. Focused on professionalizing the firm across all functions and scaling the firm internationally. Management buy-in.
Partner and Managing Director at The Boston Consulting Group, 2003-2018. Supported software industry clients, technology firms and aerospace, energy, and mobility companies. Specialties: Digital Transformation, Digital Strategy, Strategy/Corporate Development/M&A, New Business Models, Business Build, Market entry, Industry 4.0, Pricing.
Mitglied der Technologie, Medien & Telekommunikations-Praxisgruppe, sowie der Industriegüter-Praxisgruppe
Mitglied Technologie-Praxisgruppe
Entwicklung einer Software-Plattform
Unterstützung der Entwicklung einer neuen Architekturr für mobile Netzwerke
- 3 months, Jul 1999 - Sep 1999
EADS Astrium
Entwicklung von numerischer Software zur Messung von Satelliten-Antennen
- 2 years, Sep 1996 - Aug 1998
Paramedic (Rettungsassistent)
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
Zweijährige Berufsausbildung zum Rettungsassistenten in der Notfallrettung. Fünf Monate klinische Ausbildung in Anästhesie, Intensivstation, Notaufnahme
Educational background for Jan Justus
- 1 year, Aug 2006 - Jul 2007
INSEAD Business School;
- 3 years and 10 months, Oct 1998 - Jul 2002
Elektro- und Informationstechnik
University of Cambridge
First language
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