Jan Prager
Inhaber, MDP EventLogistik (Inhaber), Gast auf dem eigenen Event
Flöha, Germany
Looking for a different Jan Prager?
Professional experience for Jan Prager
- Current 13 years and 2 months, since 2012
Livetainment.de (Inhaber)
Die moderne Art der Eventkommunikation
- Current 15 years and 11 months, since Apr 2009
Schlau-mieten.de (Inhaber)
Alles, was Du für Deine Party brauchst!
- Current 25 years and 8 months, since Jul 1999
MDP EventLogistik (Inhaber)
Gast auf dem eigenen Event
Spezialist für sorglose Events.
- Current 40 years and 10 months, since May 1984
Moderator, DJ, VDJ
PARTY AN mit DJ Jan & Janolo Sombrerino
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