Jannik Arndt
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Professional experience for Jannik Arndt
- Product-Engineer: I am one of the many minds that make booking a MOIA a good experience - Scala-Dev: i nerd about making advanced code readable - Chapter-Lead: I’m a servant leader to a handful amazing devs
My work at holisticon taught me an agile mindset, created excitement for Big Data and airplanes at LHT, let me experience the Data Science and the Data Engineering parts of a huge project at Breuninger, fostered my Scala skills and finally led me to applying all that I learned at MOIA, in the team that cared about every step in the customer journey.
At PPI I learned to build software to specifications. I became an expert in C#, learned to understand COBOL and through that, discovered the beauty of functional programming in Scala.
Tutor (Diskrete Strukturen, Soft Skills), Netzwerkadmin, Gastdozent, Grafiker & Layouter Mitherausgeber des Konferenzbandes der ISSEP 2013 (www.issep2013.org)
Educational background for Jannik Arndt
- 2 years and 4 months, Oct 2012 - Jan 2015
Universität Oldenburg
Abschlussnote: 1.35
- 4 years, Oct 2008 - Sep 2012
Universität Oldenburg
Abschlussnote: 1.56
- 4 years and 1 month, Sep 2008 - Sep 2012
Universität Oldenburg
Abschlussnote: 1.57
- 8 years and 11 months, Aug 1999 - Jun 2008
Englisch, Mathe, Physik, Erdkunde
Friedrich-Schiller-Gymnasium Preetz
Höchste Auszeichnung der Schule
First language
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