Jeff Stuart
Professional experience for Jeff Stuart
- Current 10 years and 6 months, since Aug 2014
Ideas & Art
Kreative Direktion, Strategische Unterstützung, Konzeption und Umsetzung von integrierten B-to-C und B-to-B Maßnahmen im Bereich: Klassische Werbung und Markenkommunikation, Relationship Marketing, Direktmarketing, Corporate Design und Identität, Produktdesign, Namensfindung und mehr.
- 3 years and 1 month, Jul 2011 - Jul 2014
Creative Director
Agencyteam Multichannel Communication / OgilvyOne Worldwide
Strategy, conception and realisation of CRM and Direct Marketing measures (on- and offline). Creative team leadership, organisation and planing.
- 6 months, Jan 2011 - Jun 2011
Freelance Ideas & Art
Freelance conception and realisation of on- and offline advertising campaigns, CRM and Direct Marketing measures. Claims, slogans, nomencalture, corporate identity and logo design, packaging design, digital montage/post production and more.
- 7 years, Jan 2004 - Dec 2010
Creative Director
RMG Connect
Conception and realisation of CRM and Direct Marketing Measures. Creative team leadership, organisation and planing.
- 2001 - 2004
Creative Director
MDM - Mungenast Direkt Marketing
Conception and realisation of CRM and Direct Marketing Measures. Creative team leadership, organisation and planing.
- 1997 - 2001
Art Director
MDM - Mungenast Direkt Marketing
Conception and realisation of CRM and Direct Marketing Measures.
- 1994 - 1997
Art Director
MWR Marketing (6th ASG)
Facility-Orientated Marketing and Advertising, Event-Promotion and Corporate Sponsorship
- 1992 - 1994
MWR Marketing (EUCOM)
Facility-Orientated Marketing and Advertising, Event-Promotion and Corporate Sponsorship
- 1990 - 1992
Graphic Designer
MWR Marketing (HMC)
Facility-Orientated Marketing and Advertising, Event-Promotion and Corporate Sponsorship
First language
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