Prof. Dr. Jorge Rodriguez
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Professional experience for Jorge Rodriguez
- Current 11 years and 7 months, since Jun 2013
Managing Director DesignThinkers Spain
DesignThinkers Group
Heading Design Thinkers in Spain. He is a skilled facilitator for in-company training and community programs and has a strong experience in design research and HCD focusing on trends and adaptation of products and services to new markets. Jorge is also partner at AlgoBueno Studio and director of the MiDi Masters Program in Research for Design and Innovation at Elisava University UPF in Barcelona. He has worked for the manufacturing and government.
- Current 14 years and 3 months, since Oct 2010
Director MIDI Master in Research for Design and Innovation
Elisava Universitat Pompeu Fabra
I have designed and structured the MIDI combining a postgraduate program in Trends Research and a second Postgraduate Program in Design Thinking and Innovation to provide the market with professionals able to create solutions for the Pre-design process of Products , Services and Experiences.
- Current 16 years and 5 months, since Aug 2008
Director Postgrado en Coolhunting, Diseño y Tendencias Globales
ELISAVA Universitat Pompeu Fabra
I manage contents, agreements, professors and activities for this postgraduate program. Global and Local trends analysis combined with Social and Cultural research provide the basis for designing the products and services of the future. blog at
- Current 17 years and 6 months, since Jul 2007
AlgoBueno Studio SL
owning part of the company I run all innovation business initiatives
product design, commercialization and distribution of photographic and artistic activities for visitors to Barcelona, We are looking for travel agencies outside Spain and hotels in Barcelona to work for us.
I stay in permanent contact with actual and potential clients and collaborators.
- 2006 - 2007
Marketing Expert
Fesoca Foundation
design of a marketing strategy. agreements with private companies . sponsorships.
- 2 years and 1 month, Jan 2001 - Jan 2003
Del. producer HBO Ole
Time Warner
pre-production for tv specials, castings, interviews, schedules.
Assist. Producer
The Latino Group
Educational background for Jorge Rodriguez
- 2 years and 11 months, Sep 2017 - Jul 2020
Cultural Studies
University of Lisbon
Developing my research on Human Centered design applied to corporate culture design. Designing the employee and company experience for enhanced productivity talent retention and competitiveness.
- 11 months, Sep 2004 - Jul 2005
Arts Management
Universitat de Barcelona
Cultural Industries
- 6 years and 4 months, Sep 1990 - Dec 1996
Fine Arts
Universidad de los Andes
Media & Digital Arts (Photography, video, interactive & Web) alternate diploma in Business Administration
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