Dr. Jozef Embrechts

Selbstständig, Monitor, Rural Development and Economy, Natural Resources Management, Finances, Jozef Embrechts

Phnom Penh, Kambodscha

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Project Management
internal and external project monitoring
strategic planning
natural resources management
rural finance and economy
land use planning
soil survey
soil fertility studies
soil and water conservation
rural-urban development planning


Berufserfahrung von Jozef Embrechts

  • Bis heute 50 Jahre und 9 Monate, seit Jan. 1974

    Monitor, Rural Development and Economy, Natural Resources Management, Finances

    Jozef Embrechts

    Internation free-lance consultant in natural resources management, rural development, project monitoring, project finances, contractual and procurement procedures, strategic regional planning

  • 3 Monate, Juli 2008 - Sep. 2008

    Team leader


    Mid-Term Review of the Community Development for Environmental Management Programme (CDEMP) in Kenya, aiming at poverty reduction., including a Capacity Building Facility and the Grant Based Community Environmental FacilityHe ad of a team of 4 consultants.

  • 2 Monate, Mai 2008 - Juni 2008

    Senior Monitor

    Ecorys, Nl

    Results-Oriented Monitoring of Programmes and Projects (including GBSs and SPSPs) funded by the EC in Asia and Central Asia: monitoring in the Philippines of the ASEAN Biodiversity Conservation Project and the GreenPhilippines Project aiming to reduce hazardous emissions into the environment by SMEs in two economic zones.

  • 2 Jahre und 8 Monate, Mai 2005 - Dez. 2007

    Finance & Monitoring Adviser


    Smallholder Livestock Production Programme. Internal Procedures . Setting up of the programme’s Results-Oriented Monitoring and Management Information Systems. Project Finances. Procurement planning and preparation of tenders for services and supplies and of calls for proposals for grants. Preparation of a Contribution Agreement with an international organisation. Supervising 5 local consultants and support staff in administration and monitoring, training of 30 government employees in participatory project

  • 9 Monate, Jan. 2005 - Sep. 2005

    Mission Leader

    Particip, D

    Preparation of a concept Paper for External, Results-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) of Sector Policy Support Programmes (SPSPs) financed by the Commission. Head of a team of 2 consultants (Belgium)

  • 3 Monate, Feb. 2005 - Apr. 2005


    Geomar, Fr

    Support to the National Authorising Officer (NAO) for the preparation of the Joint Annual Report on the execution of the CSP-NIP. Preparing the Mali Government for further General Budget Support and Sector Policy Support Programmes (SPSPs). Training of 3 government employees.

  • 1 Monat, Feb. 2005 - Feb. 2005


    Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), B

    Introduction to EC Project Cycle Management Principles for external (ROM) Project and Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP) Monitors (short course) for 100 future monitors (Belgium)

  • 3 Monate, Nov. 2004 - Jan. 2005

    Project Manager

    EuropeAid, European Commission, EU Delegation to Egypt

    EU Delegation to Egypt, Social Development Section. Project Cycle Management. Financial Monitoring. Procurement evaluation. Preparation of conception papers for EC Rural-Urban Development and Water Sector Strategies. Management of the Social Development Fund. Portfolio: 180 million Euros. Guiding about 20 people in the implementation of 2 projects on a permanent basis and in 3 projects occasionally.

  • 9 Monate, Feb. 2001 - Okt. 2001

    Project Monitoring and Evaluation Expert

    BCEOM, Fr

    Central Cordillera Agricultural Programme (CECAP, Phase II, Philippines): Revision of the Project Monitoring System and the Management Information System. Reconciliation between Project Monitoring and Finance. Design of the tools for Programme Impact Assessment. Supervising and coaching 7 international consultants and 5 government employees.

  • 1 Jahr und 4 Monate, Apr. 2000 - Juli 2001

    Watershed Management Expert

    BCEOM, Fr

    Upland Development Project in Southern Mindanao (UDP), Philippines: Agro-Ecological Zoning, Community-based watershed management planning in ethnic minority areas, farming systems analysis and development, participatory soil and water conservation. Training and capacity building of Local Government Units in watershed management planning. Collaborating with 10 consultants and training about 150 government employees.

  • 4 Monate, Nov. 2000 - Feb. 2001

    Author, principal consultant


    Preparation of a Source Book on 'Proven Soil Fertility Management and Soil and Water Conservation Technologies' for Sub-Saharan Africa; Team of 2 international consultants.

  • 1 Jahr und 7 Monate, Aug. 1999 - Feb. 2001

    Desk Manager Vietnam

    Belgian Technical Co-operation (BTC), B

    Monitoring of 12 ongoing projects: revision of project log-frames, planning of further disbursements. Supervision of 1 international consultant.

  • 1 Jahr, Aug. 1998 - Juli 1999


    Pro-Inter, B

    Koper Regional Socio-Economic Development and Action Plan (Slovenia): comprehensive, participatory, strategic Urban-Rural planning. Adviser on strategic planning methodology. Supervision of 2 international consultants.

  • 2 Jahre und 2 Monate, März 1997 - Apr. 1999

    Chief Technical Adviser

    United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

    Chief Technical Adviser (R.D. Congo) in charge of the daily management of the National Programme for Agricultural and Rural Rehabilitation; launching and follow-up of tenders; preparation of ToRs for consultants; final responsibilities for project finances. Project budget: 30 million USD. Supervising a team of 10 international consultants, 15 national consultants and support staff; about 500 government employees on the project’s payroll. End of project due to civil war.

  • 8 Jahre und 3 Monate, Jan. 1990 - März 1998

    Executive Manager


    Daily company management including follow-up of portfolio of acquisitions and contract awards, public relations with financiers, preparation of project proposals, short term consultancies. Assignments in Cameroon (Dutch Co-operation), Burundi, Senegal, Rwanda, Bangladesh (UNDP), Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Czech Republic (PHARE), Algeria (FAO, WB), Ethiopia, Laos, Burundi (FAO), Uganda (EDF), Lebanon (WB), Latvia, Slovenia (Flemish Government)

  • 1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Okt. 1996 - Okt. 1997

    Team Leader

    Pro-Inter, B

    Liepaja Regional Socio-Economic Development and Action Plan (Latvia): comprehensive, participatory, strategic planning using participatory SWOT analysis in an international harbour town and its rural hinterland involving public (local governments, harbour authorities) - private (industries, NGOs). Value chain analysis for high value agricultural commodities (crops, wood, fishery products). Conception paper on the National Policy for Regional Socio-Economic Development

  • 7 Monate, Juni 1996 - Dez. 1996

    Irrigation Agronomist

    Royalhaskoning, Nl

    Feasibility study for the rehabilitation and modernisation of 30 small and medium sized irrigation schemes (Lebanon): technical and financial analysis of irrigated farm enterprises, crop diversification, soil and water conservation and use, market and value chain analysis for fruits, field crops and vegetables for the local and export markets; collaboration to the financial and economic feasibility of the irrigation schemes.

  • 2 Monate, Aug. 1996 - Sep. 1996


    Pro-Inter, B

    Multidisciplinary study for the Banana sub-sector for preparation of the National Indicative Plan (NIP), Uganda. Value chain analysis for bananas and banana products for local consumption and for export markets. Team leader of 3 international consultants.

  • 2 Monate, Nov. 1995 - Dez. 1995

    Consultant in natural Resources Management


    Reforestation of the villages of the North West of the Peanut Basin (Senegal): soil and water conservation; participatory community planning, farming systems analysis, reforestation for soil and water conservation, rapid rural appraisals.

  • 2 Monate, Sep. 1995 - Okt. 1995

    Consultant in Natural Resources Management


    Inter-regional project on participatory uplands conservation and development (Burundi): Rapid Rural Appraisal for participatory watershed management – regional socio-economic development planning, soil and water conservation, farming systems analysis and development.

Ausbildung von Jozef Embrechts

  • 10 Monate, Okt. 1983 - Juli 1984

    Agricultural Sciences

    Universiteit Gent, Belgium

    Tropical Agriculture

  • 1 Jahr, Okt. 1973 - Sep. 1974

    Soil Science

    University of Ghent, Belgium

    Spatial Plannng

  • 11 Jahre und 10 Monate, Okt. 1960 - Juli 1972

    Agricultural Engineering Sciences

    University of Ghent, Belgium

    Soil Physics, Irrigation and Drainage


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