Julian Xhokaxhiu
Professional experience for Julian Xhokaxhiu
- Current 2 years and 4 months, since Nov 2022
Delivery Architect
- 1 year and 8 months, Mar 2021 - Oct 2022
Senior DevOps Engineer
Identifying best fit for the owned platform solution together with Scrum Product Owner and platform tenant, Owning and representing the development of a platform solution focusing on either PCF, AEM, CI/CD or infrastructure related solutions, Incorporating data and application security into the owned platform solution, Incorporating scalability and cost efficiency into the owned platform solution, Optimizing maintenance costs for the owned platform solution
Developing demanding Write efficient, scalable, clean and well-structured code with unit and end-to-end test cases.complex and quality frontend state-of-the-art web application interfaces, supporting omni-channel E-Commerce solutions based on enterprise ready Frontend-Applications Frameworks and project specific individual functional and non functional requirements. Writing demanding, efficient, scalable, clean and well structured code with unit and end-to-end test cases
- 5 months, Aug 2014 - Dec 2014
Senior FrontEnd Developer
aexea GmbH
- 4 months, Oct 2013 - Jan 2014
IT Analyst, Web Designer And Developer
Casa Editrice Spaggiari S.p.A.
IT Analyst and Developer of Main Tech Products that have been borned from Gruppo Spaggiari companies
- 4 years and 4 months, Jun 2009 - Sep 2013
Agile Web Developer and Designer
Aicod Srl
- Developing web sites (or part of them) with dynamic language scripts (like PHP, ASP, ASP.NET), - HTML(4 or 5), CSS(2 or 3), Javascript(pure or with jQuery 1.x) AJAX oriented. - Maintainance of computer system (Windows, Linux or Mac) - Computer programmer (mainly focused on VB.NET) - iOS Developer (iOS 3.x or major)
- 2 months, May 2013 - Jun 2013
System Administrator
on Windows Azure Cloud
- 2 months, Aug 2008 - Sep 2008
Software suite upgrade, from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0
Educational background for Julian Xhokaxhiu
- 4 years and 11 months, Sep 2003 - Jul 2008
I.T.I.S. "Leonardo Da Vinci"
Developer, System Analyst and Electronics
First language
Albanian First language
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