Julius Bertram
Professional experience for Julius Bertram
- Current 10 years, since Feb 2015
Librileo gUG
Librileo is funded by a prestigious German foundation with a 7-digit figure and has established itself as a renowned expert in the fields of reading promotion and "Bildung und Teilhabe" within just two years. With a strong interdisciplinary team an offer was developed, which provably provoked parents to read. Seven out of ten parents who previously did not read together with their children start to read in the course of the program.
- Current 11 years and 5 months, since Sep 2013
Founder / CEO
The first german subscription for children books. Children need books - they do not only promote concentration, children that read are proven to do better in school. Unfortunately, many parents do not have the time to deal with finding the right book. This is what Librileo does: Each month we send up to three books conveniently to your door. Selected by educators and tested with selected families we treat monthly a different theme. Say goodbye to boredom and sad faces.
- 6 months, Apr 2013 - Sep 2013
Founder / CEO
kirondo GmbH
Bringing the idea of the renewal of the second hand market for kids clothing to the german market. Building phenomenal team, fundraising in six-figure range. Besides the general CEO activities specifically responsible for product management.
- 8 months, Sep 2012 - Apr 2013
njunju GbR
Predecessor of kirondo. Finding strong partner to grow the idea. Set up necessities to make "kirondo" the brand it is now.
Solely responsible for planning and implementing of extensive distribution structures for the business unit "Fire Protection" with about 160 fire engineers. Responsible for the care of german key accounts.
- 1 year, Jan 2010 - Dec 2010
Right away responsible safety engineer for Berliner Feuerwehr and Ernst & Young GmbH Germany. Developing and implementing comprehensive security concepts for both. Education and training of fire officers, three-digit area.
First language
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