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Justin Albert

Angestellt, Research Assistant and PhD Candidate, Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH



Professional experience for Justin Albert

  • Current 6 years and 1 month, since Feb 2019

    Research Assistant and PhD Candidate

    Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH

    My research focuses on markerless motion capture for analyzing human movement patterns. In collaboration with interdisciplinary partners, such as clinicians and sports scientists, we investigated the accuracy of markerless motion capture systems using a gold-standard marker-based system. Another project investigated fatigue analysis during resistance training using machine learning on multimodal time series data.

  • 3 months, Nov 2018 - Jan 2019

    Junior Software Developer

    Tecan Software Competence Center GmbH

    Worked on the implementation of a modular and scalable IoT (Internet of Things) edge application to collect and analyze usage data from medical laboratory instruments. Tools used included C# .NET and WPF.

  • 1 year, Oct 2016 - Sep 2017

    Graduate Teaching Assistant

    Hochschule RheinMain

    Involvement in teaching activities for two bachelor's degree program courses in Computer Science in New Media. Subjects taught include: - Programming with C and Python: Led practice groups of approx. 20 students to further teach and elaborate on the lecture content. - Generative Computer Graphics: Led the weekly tutorial to explain the lecture content to the students and to support them in completing the weekly assignments.

  • 1 year and 11 months, Nov 2015 - Sep 2017

    Working Student

    Tecan Software Competence Center GmbH

    Maintained and extended a control application for an advanced liquid handling platform to support the development team consisting of mechanical engineers and biochemists. A highlight was the development of an optical error detection system to control and monitor the liquid handling process on the device.

  • 9 months, Jan 2015 - Sep 2015

    R&D Software Developer Internship

    Tecan Systems, Inc.

    Developed an application to support the engineering team in the development of a novel platform for liquid handling and sample preparation based on electrowetting on film. The functions implemented included dynamic pathfinding algorithms, pattern recognition methods, and device control functions. The software was developed using C# .NET and WPF.

  • 1 year and 1 month, Aug 2012 - Aug 2013

    Working Student

    Smiths Detection

    Supported the software development team by implementing unit tests for the airport security systems infrastructure. Tools used included Jython, Java, and Marathon.

Educational background for Justin Albert

  • 3 years and 1 month, Oct 2015 - Oct 2018

    Computer Science

    Hochschule RheinMain

    Master’s Thesis Title: Unsupervised Segmentation of Intra-Oral Images

  • 3 years and 7 months, Oct 2010 - Apr 2014

    Computer Science In New Media

    Hochschule RheinMain

    Bachelor’s Thesis Title: A parameterization and calibration tool for laboratory robots


  • German

    First language

  • English


  • Spanish


  • French


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