Kaj-Sören Mossdorf
Angestellt, Senior DevOps Engineer, SAP
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
About me
Senior DevOps Engineer & Solution Architect passionate about software architecture. Currently focussing on Kubernetes application development, containerizing things that were not meant to and migrating legacy application into the cloud.
Professional experience for Kaj-Sören Mossdorf
- Solution Architect for internal developer productivity platform - Kubernetes operator and orchestration API development for ABAP & Non-Abap systems - Team-Lead for Chef Automation team, supporting legacy infrastructure migrations - Development of Jenkins-based CI/CD environment to produce, verify and distribute Openstack images and Chef automation
- Technical lead for incident management platform - Kubernetes operator and orchestration API development for test systems (ABAP & Non-ABAP) - DevOps consulting
- Chef automation development - Wrote & open-sourced https://github.com/SAP/kubernetes-chef-cookbook - CI/CD pipeline development
- Project management & Customer support - Webcast Operator On-/Offsite - AWS infrastructure maintanance - Chef automation development - Ruby (on Rails), JavaScript, CSS development for slidesync.com - Web based video editing & creation
Educational background for Kaj-Sören Mossdorf
3 years and 7 months, Sep 2012 - Mar 2016
Internationale Medieninformatik
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Thesis: "A scalable, distributed presentation solution using WebRTC " (1,0) Stipendium: Careerloft Auszeichnung: Bestabsolvent des Studiengangs