Kamran Vighio Kamran
Professional experience for Kamran Vighio Kamran
- Current 3 years and 8 months, since Jul 2021
Lead Software Engineer
Kamran Software UG
Providing software design, development and consulting services using the industry best practices and technologies. Tech Stack: Java (Spring Boot), PHP (Spryker / Symfony / Laravel), Node.js / JavaScript / Vue, MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch
I was responsible for implementing key components as part of the Leadouts team that recorded, filtered and structured the clicks that our customers produced. We used that information for billing, storage and data-driven analysis purposes. Participated in the development of data pipeline using a variety of AWS services such as Lambda, Glue, etc. Tech Stack: Modern PHP, Python, AWS, SQL
- 1 year and 1 month, May 2019 - May 2020
Freelance Senior Softwareentwickler
Self Employed Freelancer
Worked with various clients in the e-commerce and fintech space. Tech Stack: Python (Flask), PHP (Spryker / Symfony / Laravel), MySQL, Redis
- Architected and developed key features such as Persistent Cart and a Message Queueing System (based RabbitMQ) which was used in the product import pipeline to reliably import data from PIM system to the MySql database. This implementation was later adopted by the core Spryker framework. - Technology stack: PHP 5.6 / 7, Propel, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch, Twig, Symfony, Composer, Git
- Worked on back-end and front-end features of both the consumer facing web application (including the responsive mobile web version) as well as the administration interface. - Designed and developed the SEO Crosslinking module resulting in enhanced search rankings. - Technologies: PHP (Zend, Yii, Symfony2), SQL (MySQL), JavaScript (jQuery / ExtJS), Solr, HTML, CSS
- 1 year and 1 month, Oct 2012 - Oct 2013
Software Engineer
glispa GmbH
Developed Analytics, Business Intelligence and CRM system for managing large scale advertising campaigns for the fastest growing performance marketing company in Germany. - Architected and led the development of the internal CRM tool with reporting, conflict management and other important features. - Technologies: JavaScript (jQuery, Bootstrap), SQL (MySQL), PHP (Lithium), HTML, CSS (Bootstrap)
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