Karel Coric Ammann
Angestellt, Product Owner Digital Channels, Industrielle Werke Basel IWB
Basel, Switzerland
Professional experience for Karel Coric Ammann
- Current 8 years and 1 month, since Feb 2017
Product Owner Digital Channels
Industrielle Werke Basel IWB
Verantwortlich für die Konzeption und Entwicklung der digitalen Kanäle im Vertrieb von Energielösungen
- Current 9 years and 1 month, since Feb 2016
IT Project Manager
mimacom ag
- Current 19 years and 2 months, since 2006
Project Manager / Business Consultant
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Business Application Services
- Current
Product Owner Digital Channels
Industrielle Werke Basel IWB
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