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Kenneth Shinabery

Bis 2021, Marketing Instructor, DCI Digital Career Institute gGmbH
Düsseldorf, Germany



Professional experience for Kenneth Shinabery

  • Current 3 years and 7 months, since Aug 2021

    Community Lead & Instructor

    DCI Digital Career Institute

    In March 2020, I joined DCI as a Marketing Instructor. In August 2021, I became the Online Marketing Events Coordinator & Instructor. In October, I became the Community Development Lead & Instructor. As my role evolves so does my dedication to educating & inspiring. Not only students but staff as well. My role includes but is not limited to teaching, creating modules, hosting lectures with international speakers, producing events that cover Germany as a whole & promoting DCI through recruitment.

  • Current 10 years and 8 months, since Jul 2014

    Marketing / PR Specialist


    Since moving to Europe, I have worked in Marketing and PR for a number of companies as freelancer and full time employee.

  • Current 10 years and 8 months, since Jul 2014

    Marketing/PR/Influencer for Adobe Wacom XP-Pen BenQ TechSmith Clip Studio Paint

    DYC Studios

  • Current 11 years and 8 months, since Jul 2013

    Event Planner / Organizer

    Behance Dribbble NRW Community

    Event host and moderator since July 2013. Select artists to feature as speakers to present their work. Promote the event via social media & throughout the Düsseldorf community. Manage the Facebook Group, which consists of over 1200+ members. Featured on Fernsehen Düsseldorf. Host additional events. NOTE: This is done during my spare time and in no way conflicts with any work that I take on. I am not an employee of Behance. The goal: help artists to connect, network, share & inspire.

  • Current 17 years and 10 months, since May 2007

    Art Director / Graphic Designer

    Art Direction

    Currently I am seeking a full time creative position in Europe that will enable me to get my start in the European marketing world. PAST CLIENTS: MTV Networks, Nickelodeon, CBS, Logo, Papa Johns, Brooklyn Brewery, The American Natural History Museum of New York, Coca-Cola, Harley Davidson Motorcycles, etc.

  • Current 18 years and 2 months, since 2007

    Art Director - Advertising

    Freelance - Various Companies

    Currently I am seeking a full time creative position in Europe that will enable me to get my start in the European marketing world. PAST CLIENTS: MTV Networks, Nickelodeon, CBS, Logo, Papa Johns, Brooklyn Brewery, The American Natural History Museum of New York, Coca-Cola, Harley Davidson Motorcycles, etc. For more information please go to

  • Current 20 years and 1 month, since Feb 2005

    Associate/Field/Segment Producer


    For additional information please email me for a copy of my resume.

  • Current 25 years and 1 month, since Feb 2000

    On-camera principal talent

    Freelance - Various Companies

    I have appeared as on-camera talent on productions such as - Nickelodeon's U-Pick Live, Ally Bank Commercial, Golden Corral Commercials, Nick at Nite Road Show, Saturday Night Live, The Whitest Kids U Know, Egg Lands Best, Rapsoul music video, HBO's Boardwalk Empire, Gossip Girl, etc. As a result I am a member SAG/AFTRA, the world's foremost unions for professional actors.

  • 1 year and 6 months, Mar 2020 - Aug 2021

    Marketing Instructor

    DCI Digital Career Institute gGmbH

    Having a background in education and E-learning combined with my experience speaking at conferences I was a natural fit for DCI. Topics covered in the course include: Branding, Marketing Funnel, Customer Journey, STP, SWOT, Project Management, Client Relations, Competitor Research, SEO (On-Page & Off-Page), Analytics, Mobile Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Facebook/Instagram Ads, Display Ads, Email Marketing, PR, Graphic Design, CVs, Cover Letters, Applications and much much more!

  • 3 months, May 2021 - Jul 2021

    Guest Lecturer


    Three-time guest Lecturer for OxCo, a company that inspires academics to use creative software, techniques and approaches to create content. Providing academia the skills needed to produce high-quality content for a digital world. Academics who attend these lectures come primarily from the University of Oxford.

  • 5 years and 8 months, Jul 2014 - Feb 2020

    Wacom Behance Gallery Coordinator

    Wacom Europe GmbH

    This is a contract position that I am working on from home. Duties include: Curating the Wacom Gallery on Behance, writing monthly articles that feature European artists, scouting talent, etc. This role ended when Wacom discontinued the Wacom Gallery with Adobe.

  • 7 months, Jan 2019 - Jul 2019

    Marketing Director

    Linearity GmbH

    In 2019, I took on the role of Marketing Director for Linearity GmbH. The company has produced the app Vectornator for iOS that allows creatives to produce high quality vector graphics anywhere. My B2C approach is very community focused, by established the three marketing principles in which our company abides by: Inspire, Educate and Entertain. With B2B, I am making additional connections for our company that will have long term benefits. Linearity is partnered with Apple, Adobe & Wacom.

  • 7 months, Jan 2018 - Jul 2018

    Marketing, PR, Social Media, Content Creation, Community Development Specialist


    Consultant. NDA.

  • 1 month, Oct 2017 - Oct 2017

    Keynote Speaker

    Supernova Kaunas Creative Innovation Festival

    On October 5th, I spoke at the Supernova Kaunas Creative Innovation Festival in Lithuania. My speech was entitled "Player Of The Game: Winning At Social Media And Community Development." I introduced the audience to keys ways to be successful in the digital world. Additionally, I introduced some key strategies shared by Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook). I mentioned, the growth of eSports as I feel those interested in Social Media and Community Development should learn more about this growing industry.

  • 3 months, Feb 2017 - Apr 2017

    Instructor / Tutor


    I was invited to become an instructor/tutor for their 5 week Digital Me course for Adobe Generation Professional & Adobe Education Exchange. The course covers online personas, creating an online portfolio, self branding/marketing, logo design, finding the perfect professional headshot and more. Hosting 5 live classes via Adobe Connect and create content for the the website.

  • 6 months, Sep 2016 - Feb 2017

    Communications Designer

    Ecco Marketing

    Full time creative position in a German speaking agency with International Clients such as Adient (formerly Johnson Controls) and Yanfeng. Additional interniational and German clients as well. Note: Agency works with FutureBrand, which designed the brand guidelines for Adient.

  • 1 month, Oct 2016 - Oct 2016

    Guest Lecturer

    Adobe Generation Professional / Edge Gain

    I was a guest speaker for the Adobe Generation Professional course on Animation. My speech was entitled Jumping Back Into Animation. The course was hosted in Adobe Connect, thus I was able to interact with a global audience. You can view my lecture via the following link.... Visit the course site to hear more about the course and other courses offered by Adobe Generation Professional.

  • 3 months, May 2016 - Jul 2016

    Conference Planner - Moderator


    Worked with Adobe to plan the Adobe Creative Meet Up & Networking Conference (July 2nd in NRW) with one of the highest profile Creative Jams in Adobe history. Teams: DDB, BBDO, Havas Worldwide & Ubisoft. Judges: Jens Kellersman (Wacom) & Thomas Junk (Demodern/ADC Germany). Featured: speakers, the Adobe Make It Area, an art gallery with artists, Samsung's 4D VR Chairs, BlueBOX's hologram tech, large scale art pieces provided by CCS Digital/Wallstyle Gallery & more. Pictures -

  • 2 months, May 2016 - Jun 2016

    Character and Asset Designer

    Tour de Animate (sponsored by Adobe)

    I was approached by two fellow members of the Adobe Influncer DACH program and asked if I would like to create an official sample for Adobe Animate CC. The sample was launched in December 2016. Tour de Animate is officially sponsored by Adobe, thus it was an honor to work with the team to create the sample. Adobe will be promoting the project through their channels. The sample is entitled 'Bringing Characters To Life' and is free for the public to download.

  • 1 month, Feb 2016 - Feb 2016

    English Speaking Amabassador to the international VIPs

    Duesseldorf Photo Weekend

    5th Annual Duesseldorf Photo Weekend. * Because of my experience working with agencies and clients I was asked to serve as Ambassador to various well known international curators from galleries & museums. * Research on the participating galleries and featured photographers. * Curators and director from every gallery that we visited were asked to speak to the VIPS. Additionally we had private tour of Kunst Halle with Dr. Gregor Jansen & a meeting at Haus der Universität.

Educational background for Kenneth Shinabery

  • 1 month, Jun 2013 - Jun 2013

    German: Orientation Course

    VHS Erkrath

    Completed the German Orientation Course. The course covered the following: German Politics, Life Style, Culture, History, Laws/Rights, etc. The course was taught entirely in German. Results: 33 Punkte von 33 Punkte.

  • 6 months, Jan 2013 - Jun 2013


    VHS Erkrath

    B1 Prüfung Ergebnis: Hören/Lesen: 44 von 45 Punkte, Schreiben: 19 von 20 Punkte, Sprechen: 100 von 100 Punkte

  • 5 months, Aug 2012 - Dec 2012


    VHS Erkrath

    A2 Prüfung Ergebnis: 91 von 100 Punkte

  • 2008 - 2008


    Deutsche Sprachschule

    Deutsche Sprachschule at the United Nations International School - A1.1 Hours Completed: 34

  • 2008 - 2008


    New York University's Deutsches Haus

    Affliliated with the Goethe-Institute (Goethe-Institut) - A2.2 Hours Completed: 25

  • 3 years and 10 months, Sep 1995 - Jun 1999

    Mass Communications

    Middle Tennessee State University

    Major: Mass Communications (focus: Film, TV, Computer Animation) Minors: Art (focus: Graphic Design) Psychology (focus: Advertising Psychology) Senator in Student Government & Alumni Operations Coordinator for SigEp Fraternity. I was on the Dean's List for achievement and honors.

  • 10 months, Sep 1994 - Jun 1995

    Honors Humanities

    Alabama State University

    *Full Academic Scholarship. *I was very active with the college's organizations, and taught grad students how to use Photoshop & various other graphic programs. Additionally I represented the school at the Honors African American Conference in Memphis and at the Honors Conference in Birmingham.


  • English

    First language

  • German


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