Khaleel Arbeji
Professional experience for Khaleel Arbeji
* Develop software / Products for clients and perform Business Analysis based on customer-requirements using Frontend Frameworks (Angular 7>) . Working with Java/ kotlin/ NodeJS as Backend, in collaboration with agile teams. * R&D * Tools: Jira, Confluence, Git.
- 1 year and 6 months, Feb 2018 - Jul 2019
Web Developer
eCommerce, Implementation of Frontend Components, Bugs Fixing, Layouts replacement using: jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Mustache Templating, Sass, Responsive Design; Tools: Jira, Confluence, Git.
eCommerce; J2ee, Data mining ,Global Technology,Cloud computing, JIRA, Git
- 1 year and 10 months, Jul 2013 - Apr 2015
Data Management Assistent
Norwegian Refugee Council
Vorbereitung von Tagesdaten Berichte, Tages Manifest-Dateien und Analyse von Informationen basierend auf Registrierungsdaten; Erstellung von Systemen, die regelmäßigen Berichte produzieren.
- 1 year and 6 months, Nov 2011 - Apr 2013
Java Entwickler
KeySoft Programming Solutions
JSF Module entwickeln, RCP Module entwickeln, GWT Module entwickeln, CSS, Redesign Seiten, Hibernate-Abfragen, Liferay Content Management, Localization & Internationalization, Jmeter testen, Junit testen, Bugs Fixieren, JIRA.
Educational background for Khaleel Arbeji
- 2 years and 5 months, Sep 2015 - Jan 2018
M.Sc, Web Science
TH Köln, Köln, Deutschland.
Web Architectures,Quality Management for the Web, Human Computer Interaction, Controlling / Performance Management, Strategic Management, Web Design, Corporate Design, E-Entrepreneurship, Web Project Management, Requirements Management, Web Security, Web Trust, Risk Management
- 6 months, Sep 2009 - Feb 2010
Angewandete Informatik
B.Sc, Angewandte Informatik, Austauschstudent
- 4 years and 9 months, Oct 2006 - Jun 2011
Angewandte Informatik
Deutsch-Jordanische Hochschule, Amman, Jordanien.
Angewandte Informatik
First language
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