Krishnakant Mohapatra
Professional experience for Krishnakant Mohapatra
Developed code in Python & Tcl for creating test-cases and testframeworks of SINAMICS Drives [S210 & G220] in a simulated environment. Supported an agile software development team by creating simulator using Python for automation of work process. Performed Blackbox, Whitebox testing, Unit testing, System testing. Regular use of GIT to push changes for code review & brief discussions with colleagues for feedback. Documentation of work results using confluence & regular presentation in sprint reviews.
- 1 year and 1 month, Aug 2020 - Aug 2021
Associate Software Engineer
Major contribution in the data management system for sandvik group project. Analyzed documents & use cases to prepare a detailed test-plan. Involved in writing & executing detailed test cases & test design documents. Developed & maintained Automation test scripts. Used Jira for bug tracking, bug fixing & bug reporting. Involved in database testing using SQL queries.
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