Lisa Laporte
Professional experience for Lisa Laporte
- Current 9 years and 6 months, since Sep 2015
Artisanal Agency
We are an Internet ad sales company that works closely with clients and networks to develop win-win relationships by delivering ads that super-serve our networks audiences. We heavily vet all potential clients and carefully match networks with clients.
- Current 17 years and 1 month, since Feb 2008
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Manage staff of twenty, oversee all aspects of technology based podcasting company, negotiate & execute advertising contracts, manage outside sales & inside sales, manage production team, perform executive producer responsibilities with founder, oversee engineering department, perform all human resource duties, oversee accounting processes, maintain partner relationships, cash flow projections and business development.
Educational background for Lisa Laporte
- 7 years and 1 month, Jan 2000 - Jan 2007
Business Management
University of Phoenix, Arizona
First language
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