Lutz Luikart

ist offen für Projekte. 🔎

Bis 2024, Sound Lead, Lightword Productions GmbH

Filderstadt, Deutschland

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Sound Effects
Recording studio
Ableton Live 10 Suite
Video Games
Game Audio
Native Instruments Plug-Ins
Beta Testing
Plug-In Beta Testing
Unity 5
FMOD Studio
VR Audio
Audio Engine Integration
VR Games
Studio One 6 Pro
Unreal Engine 5
Unity 3D Engine


Berufserfahrung von Lutz Luikart

  • Bis heute 9 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit Mai 2015

    Audio Engineer, Sounddesigner, Game-Audio, Soundtrack- und Musik-Produktion

    SoundTek Studio

    Soundtrack and highly specialized Score for Videogames, Trailer and Shortfilms. Custom Soundeffects for your Game or Film. Game-Sound with Unreal Engine 4, Unity 3D FMOD Studio

  • 2 Jahre, Mai 2022 - Apr. 2024

    Sound Lead

    Lightword Productions GmbH

    Sound Lead for ONE of 500 Production and implementation of audio content for the game. Working in the new Unreal Engine 5 and FMOD Studio Audio-Middleware. Additionally working with the people from our Sound-Design outsourcing partners and communication for Sound-Design and Soundtrack-production.

  • 3 Jahre und 3 Monate, März 2019 - Mai 2022

    Sound Designer and Audio Engineer

    Lightword Production GmbH

    Creating and Implementing Soundeffects with FMOD Studio into the UE4 Project. Dialog management in FMOD Studio Musik implementing in FMOD Studio Project: One of 500 One of 500 is a story-based 3rd person adventure game in the time of Jesus. Discover the world of the Bible as never before.

  • 4 Jahre und 4 Monate, Jan. 2017 - Apr. 2021

    Sound Director, Sound Designer, Music Production

    Crimson Dragon

    Making Soundeffects and Music for the new Crimson Dragen Project "Oil & Soil". Working as a Freelancer

  • 3 Jahre und 7 Monate, Apr. 2017 - Okt. 2020

    Freier Dozent

    mAHS, medien Akademie - Hochschule Stuttgart

    Teaching "Audiovisually Dynamics", which basically means "Gameaudio". Working with Unreal-Engine 4 and FMOD Studio.

  • 2 Jahre und 8 Monate, Aug. 2017 - März 2020

    Freier Dozent

    SAE Institute GmbH

    Teaching Game-Audio: Production workflow in theory and practice. Working with FMOD Studio and Unreal Engine 4

  • 7 Jahre, Juni 2012 - Mai 2019


    C² Concerts GmbH

  • 1 Jahr, Feb. 2018 - Jan. 2019


    Solid White | design & digital media

    Freelance Sound-Designer and Sound-Editor for Business and Industry related VR Experience applications. Sound-Design, -Integration and Music-Systems. Working with Unity-Engine and FMOD Studio

Ausbildung von Lutz Luikart

  • 1 Jahr und 7 Monate, Sep. 2013 - März 2015

    Audio Engineering

    SAE Institute Stuttgart


  • Deutsch


  • Englisch



Video Games
Freunde treffen
Jesus and building his church

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