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Angestellt, R&D Software Engineer, FMS Tech
Cottbus, Germany



Professional experience for MHD ADEL MOMO

  • Current 3 years and 2 months, since Jan 2022

    R&D Software Engineer

    FMS Tech

    1) Developing an Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) for edge devices utilizing state-of-the-art Deep Learning models and Computer Vision in particular object detection and lane detection algorithms. 2) Optimizing the Deep Learning models in terms of latency and performance using low-level deep learning frameworks such as which is written in C/C++.

  • 1 year and 1 month, Oct 2020 - Oct 2021

    AI Engineer


    1) Developed and analyzed advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning models that deal with complex data such as medical datasets. 2) Developed medical form recognition models that automatically extract patient information from images and pdf files. 3) Developed web chatbots.


  • English


  • German


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