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Ing. Mahmoud Wahid

is looking for freelance projects. 🔎

Angestellt, Sr. Digital Product Designer, LeanNode
Barcelona, Spain



Professional experience for Mahmoud Wahid

  • Current 6 years and 2 months, since Jan 2019

    Sr. Digital Product Designer


    Gather and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with product managers and engineers. Illustrate design ideas using storyboards, process flows, and sitemaps. Design graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs, and widgets. Develop UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate how sites function and look like. Create original graphic designs (e.g. images, sketches, and tables). Analyze user behavior to Identify and troubleshoot UX problems (e.g. responsiveness).

  • Current 11 years and 1 month, since Feb 2014

    Sr. UI/UX & Creative Director


    Identify UI/UX problems and recommend effective solutions. Translate concepts into wireframes and Mockups that lead to intuitive. Design user interfaces for web and mobile applications. Visual design and Prototypes.

  • 1 year and 4 months, Nov 2018 - Feb 2020

    Senior UI / UX Designer


    - Plan and implement new designs - Optimize existing user interface designs - Test for intuitivity and experience - Communicate with clients to understand their business goals and objectives - Develop technical and business requirements and always strive to deliver intuitive and user-centered solutions - Combine creativity with an awareness of the design elements - Create prototypes for new product ideas - Test new ideas before implementing - Conduct an ongoing user research

  • 4 months, Jun 2019 - Sep 2019

    Senior UI / UX Designer

    eWave Telecom Services & Solutions

    I've worked on - TeleLancers WebPortal - TeleLancers Website - TeleLancers Mobile App

  • 6 months, Aug 2018 - Jan 2019

    Sr. UI/UX Designer


    Gather and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with product managers and engineers. Illustrate design ideas using storyboards, process flows, and sitemaps. Design graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs, and widgets. Develop UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate how sites function and look like. Create original graphic designs (e.g. images, sketches, and tables). Analyze user behavior to Identify and troubleshoot UX problems.

  • 1 year, Sep 2017 - Aug 2018

    Senior UI/UX Designer


    Collaborate with product management and engineering to define and implement innovative solutions for the product direction, visuals, and experience. Create determine the layout, mockup, colors, font type, logos, pictures and other visual, verbal aspects of a website and mobile app. Execute all visual design stages from concept to final hand-off.

  • 2 years and 1 month, Sep 2015 - Sep 2017

    UI/UX Designer


    Collaborate with product management and engineering to define and implement innovative solutions for the product direction, visuals, and experience. Create determine the layout, mockup, colors, font type, logos, pictures and other visual, verbal aspects of a website and mobile app. Execute all visual design stages from concept to final hand-off.

  • 1 year and 7 months, Mar 2014 - Sep 2015

    User Interface Designer

    Nexa - Digital Marketing

  • 1 year and 2 months, Dec 2012 - Jan 2014

    Graphic Designer

    Pencil Agency

Educational background for Mahmoud Wahid

  • 3 years and 10 months, Sep 2012 - Jun 2016

    Computer Engineering

    Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University

    Qualification awarded: B.Sc. in Computer Engineering Grade: Very Good

  • 2 years and 11 months, Sep 2008 - Jul 2011

    Engineering Mechatronics


    Qualification awarded: HNC&HND in Engineering Mechatronics Grade: Excellent


  • Arabic

    First language

  • English


  • Spanish


  • German


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